Title: UAE’s cities ranked among the best in the world: A testament to the country’s vision and leadership

Abegail Jacob
2 min readFeb 16, 2023


The United Arab Emirates has been consistently recognized as a global leader in various aspects, from its cutting-edge technology to its thriving economy. The country’s cities are no exception, as recent rankings show that they are among the best in the world.

According to the 2022 Best Cities Rankings by Resonance Consultancy, Dubai and Abu Dhabi are ranked 17th and 29th respectively, out of the 100 best cities in the world. The rankings are based on factors such as local economy, infrastructure, diversity, culture, and quality of life.

This achievement is a testament to the UAE’s vision and leadership, which have transformed the country into a hub of innovation and progress. The government has invested heavily in developing its cities, with a focus on creating sustainable and modern urban environments that offer a high quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

The rankings also reflect the UAE’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity. The country is home to a rich mix of cultures and nationalities, and its cities reflect this diversity. From world-class museums to cultural festivals, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

In addition, the UAE’s cities are also known for their safety and security. This is a crucial factor for residents and tourists alike, and the country’s leadership has made it a top priority. The government has implemented various measures to ensure the safety and security of its citizens and visitors, including state-of-the-art surveillance systems and highly trained security personnel.

Overall, the UAE’s cities’ ranking among the best in the world is a well-deserved recognition of the country’s exceptional progress and achievements. It also serves as an inspiration to other countries, showing that with a clear vision, strong leadership, and a commitment to progress and inclusivity, it is possible to create cities that are truly world-class.



Abegail Jacob

Inspiring writer, political researcher, and fiction writer who encourages young people