A Flock of Arseholes.

5 min readMar 6, 2024


Toby Young and JK Rowling’s detestable crew of halfwits guffawing at their own demise. .

Tonight was the 4th anniversary of the inauguration of Toby Young’s Free Speech Union. There isn't a lot of free speech on offer because they like to control it all from the back-streets of Westminster, but that's another story.

I took these from Maya Forstater’s twitter. She likes to troll people so l thought I’d preserve this for future reference. Its useful as a record of who is connected to what and how much of an embarrassment of themselves they are willing to make.

This is Toby Young (above). I tried to talk to Toby when he brought his “free speech” travelling circus to Manchester (see previous blogs). I tried to talk to him because he lies a lot about his “cases” and mispresents what the people in them were actually saying. This seems to come down to referring to trans people as “sexual predators” and any number of threats to society.

I tried to speak to Toby when he was in Manchester because l wanted to ask him about his friend Harry Miller who refers to me as a “sexual predator” — but Toby ran off. Seems he’s not too fond of “free speech” when l start asking questions. What a shame. He’s a such good feminist too.

Young has been at the centre of several controversies. In 2015, he wrote an article in advocacy of genetically engineered intelligence, which he described as “progressive eugenics”. In early January 2018, he was briefly a non-executive director on the board of the Office for Students, an appointment from which he resigned within a few days after Twitter posts, described as “misogynistic and homophobic”, were uncovered.

Here is Harry Miller. Harry Miller promotes himself as an ex-cop and campaigner for free speech. He did not complete the 2-year probationary training period required in 1989 yet Miller lets misadvised followers refer to his non-existent ’30 year career’. He his known in the media due to a vanity court case in which he spent thousands of pounds of other people’s money to demonstrate what we already knew, you are allowed write humourless limericks about trans women, but no one really cares.

Harry has been allowed to regularly make a fool of himself on the cheaper end of UK media for a few years now. They recognise that in the post-Brexit Britain there is a healthy contingent of insecure straight, white nationalists who crave what they like to call ‘common sense’. Harry was part of Laurence Fox’s short lived vanity project, The Reclaim Party.

There is Julia Hartley Brewer. She is a kind of post-brexit Katie Hopkins but just about managed to keep her mouth shut before things lurched too far to the right. Now she is eternally vexed that trans people exist and people accept us. She supports Andrew Tate in the full knowledge of his abusive nature.

The other lady there works for the anti-trans lobby group Sex Maters and is another trans obsessed crack-pot who failed to influence Park Run to exclude trans women. Maybe she is here to drown her sorrows.

In the middle here is Baroness Claire Fox, someone who has remained useful to JK Rowling long enough to slip into the House of Lords by hook or by crook. She has some odd takes on free speech which seem to involve expressing the worst parts of her soul. I have sensed that she knows the GC movement is failing recently and tried to help it out by popping up in the mentions of people who attack the real street level feminism of, anti police misogyny campaigner, Patsy Stevenson. Fox seems to want the police to be more hateful.

This is Simon Fanshawe. A new rector of Edinburgh university who JK Rowling paid someone to elect (most likely) I dont know much about him and he seems to have written a book no one is interested in. He seems boring because his tweets made me fall asleep when l was looking for something to say about him

Here is Cath Leng and Vennice Allan. Leng used to work for the BBC but had to leave because she fancied a new career with Sex Matters. Vennice Allan was an early adopter of terfery but seems a bit worn out with it all now since nothing seems to have come from it apart form nights out like this and a bit of day out with Kellie Keen now and again. She likes a drink. She challenged me when I was at Church House for Claire Fox’s Battle Of Ideas.. none of them had any ideas and Allan asked if I’d paid to be there. She said “this isn't your sort of thing”!

This is Helen Staniland. She attempts to slut-shame trans women online and pretends to care about women's rights, she has done precisely nothing for vulnerable women or girls and harmed genuine feminism by sitting with Graham Linehan and agreeing with this belief that “trans activists” are ruining his life, and genuine feminists are “dick pandering handmaidens”

She is most famous for nodding along in a video while Helen Joyce details how she's going to attempt to make it impossible to be trans. Speaking of which, where is Joyce? She’s usually never seen more than a few meters from Forstater. We think she is on the naughty step for getting caught looking at dubious Harry Potter fan fiction on a train. Oh well.

I hope they all had a nice time. This blog is mostly pointless apart from the obvious connection all these people have to JK Rowling. They tell on themselves, they do.

Freda x

