The Normalisation of Hate Speech(Terf Reich 13)

6 min readMay 14, 2023


Lets have a closer look at a recent “Standing For Women” Gathering (14/05/23) in Birmingham.

I don't think I need to explain who Kellie Jay Keen is again. (Sometimes known as Posey Parker)

I fully understand why few trans people want to engage with this continual hate preaching, so this blog comes with a serious trigger warning for extreme transphobia and homophobia.

They reached new lows this week. I don’t know how much “free speech” you need to be confident enough to shout the word “paedophiles” in combination with “trans-queer-ideology” in public square but anything seems permissible in 2023 if you can con the local authorities into thinking that your meeting is something to do with female empowerment. That’s the main mechanism through which Keen has been able to make in-roads into the media. The message is duplicitous and hides behind a mask of empowerment. It is people with power who prefer this version offeminism because it takes eyes off real institutional and systemic misogyny.

This person is ranting a list of list of sexual identities, fetishes and other random porn search terms which culminate in the word “groomers”. Its extreme, rabidly aggressive and disturbing when you contemplate the connections being made in the minds of Keens speakers. Keen is fully responsible for the words here. She does nothing to intervene and actively claps along.

There is an increasingly violent contingent at these meetings and they are attracting extremists who have no interest in debate, no matter how much Keen pretends they do.

There are conflations and conspiracy theories mixed together into a manic sense of paranoia that almost makes you feel sorry for them. Imagine living in this persons world or even having to work with them, its horrifying when played back even in the context of research.

The mention of Eddie Izzard is actionable. Keen allows this. She needs to own it. Its dangerous.

Next there is the religious contingent. This one reminds me of Alice Tinker from the Vicar Of Dibley. Its amusing to a point, but the sad thing is that a lot of Keen’s followers have come from this Miriam Cates world of Christian Conservatism. They are easy to capture and have no barometer on which to gauge trans people. It all falls into the same “sin” bracket as any act or state of being they judge to be perverse or transgressive.

I assume Keen realises at this point that the Jesus talk isn't really resonating so she falls back on one of her regular chants which seems to be a crowd pleaser. Unfortunately she has to screech due to the counter protest of trans and trans allies on the other side of Centenary Square. I'm not sure about actual numbers but the counter protests tend to out-number the collective of cultists Keen assembles and most of them come with her in a van.

“Trans women are men” —Yells Keen. They don't sound all that convinced. If you have to repeat this and “women don’t have penises” over a PA system to passers by, I’m only reminded that it says a lot more about Keen than anyone having to hear it.

Most of the people milling by will take their children to safety to join the rainbows and dancing on the other side of the sqaure. Who wants to hear this jump-suited, angry gobshite barking random words which amount to “I hate trans people” ? Not many.

The YouTube live feed is populated by the kind of folk, and me, who enjoy watching reality TV at its most ridiculous. There is very little actual politics in Keen’s words. They cheer on her mania rather than the content of her words.

More garbled rubbish here about “ideology” which just amounts to nothing. I suspect they do actually believe there is some sort of conspiracy to turn children trans and a misplaced sense of duty to intervene in stopping what they have come to believe is an increasing threat.

The names mentioned here reveal how small their network is. The mention of Helen Joyce is key. Someone who knows full well this is all bullshit but is happy to let insecure powerless people indulge in medicalisation narratives because that suits a wider authoritarian vision. It will be interesting to see at which point the “academic” GC’s get off this bus, one which can only become more extreme to be self sustaining.

This one is “inspired every day”. I wonder if Rowling is proud? This crank is a teacher, if that's not disturbing enough just wait until you hear the mangle-swagger madrigal. I've always been suspicious of folk music, and here is why. I haven't much else to say about this.

Paula Boulton here (Lesbian Labour, Lesbian Strength, Lesbian Fightback) talking about the recent meeting with Victor Madrigal-Borloz (UN Independent Expert on Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity) at the International Maritime Museum on the 4th May. Also present, Kate Harris and Dennis Kavanagh. Their ambitions to infiltrate the EHRC have been reported in the queer media but very little elsewhere. This is the crux of it all for them, to change the meaning of sex/gender in the equality act thus stripping back rights which they claim trans people don't even need.

Boulton being present at Keens hate rally should be used as evidence that all those “concerns” about safeguarding, protecting lesbians and all the other drivel they talk is actually just about basic transphobia. We can only hope there are enough decent ministers left in government to see through this deepening chasm of hopelessness. Advocacy for us is currently weak and Stonewall seem to be asleep at the wheel.

More complete bollocks from Kellie.. “They have no argument they just have noise” — Actually we do have an argument, but we wont be having it with you. I tried to have the argument with Keen on Talktv but she chickened out.

no one else wants to speak. The end.

As a small gimmer of hope a young trans person managed to infiltrate the group. An unnamed trans man slipped through under the guise of being a “detransitioner”. More power to them. If they hate anything its the revelation that we are not monsters. Truth is on OUR side.

ranting lunatic

Update- Uk media more complicit

In a more disturbing turn of events this week the BBC decided it was appropriate to platform someone closely associated with Keen on a story about the Tavistock gender service closure. Either no research is being done or there is no will to do proper journalism. I tried to get on that show but was not able.

This is Kellie Jay Keens message most of the time. This is probably why she is useful to the LGB Alliance, who send her bottles of champagne in return for the funding of trips to New Zealand which end in humiliation. No one takes her seriously in the wider media and they never will.

