Standing For Nothing- Enabling Violence & A protest against them.

4 min readNov 12, 2023


One of the central myths of the ‘gender critical’ movement is the narrative that this is a movement of women’s Rights or feminism. It is sold to the media (who are wilfully ignorant, or rather, actively complicit) as a women’s rights, grassroots collective. This is easily debunked by looking at some simple facts which demonstrate no interest in the welfare of women in wider society and there are no benefits for the cross section of people involved and certainly none for women. When I first watched her YouTube channel l thought of it as a bit of an innocuous comedy act which I assumed no right-minded people would take seriously.

One of the focal points of the anti-trans network is Standing For Women, a cottage industry of merch-flogging and social media campaigning run by Kellie Jay Keen (AKA Posie Parker). Keen has travelled the country and the former British colonies with her ‘Let Women Speak’ events with mostly failed results. Anyone is allowed to speak provided they absolutely agree with the anti-trans remit (note the numerous incidents where speakers who didn’t take the party line and were subsequently, and immediately shut down, often violently so).

It seems that everywhere she goes she ends up being countered to the point of abandoning action, being covered in tomato juice by anti-fascist activists in New Zealand etc. The main function of the little badly attended rallies seems to be to agitate the local LGBTQ+ communities in the towns she brings her little travelling circus to.

Keen’s regular meetings take place at Hyde Park, London. She has a regular collection of attendees who are invited to speak and generally make fools of themselves for her YouTube channel and regular viewers, which she has built up for the last five years. The peak seems to have been reached lately and she is losing more clicks than she is gaining.

I was contacted by a young trans person this year who told me she had been punched at one of these events in London. I assume she was aware of my work in the media in researching far-right networks and lobby groups which fund and promote transphobic narratives into the media as a wedge issue to proliferate a further authoritarian agenda around LGBTQ issues and women’s reproductive rights. They tend to be the same people but with various masks.

The men who attended Keen’s Let Women Speak (LWS) events are clearly shy about being spoken to and recorded. On the 2nd of April this year, a young counter-protester was peacefully chatting to attendees of LWS when she was lunged at and punched as people looked on and did nothing.

This is a statement from the victim of the assault.

“I had joined the crowd and just started recording when Mark Wydler came to the side of me and tried hitting my phone out of my hand and then attempted to punch me.

In court Mark Wydler said that I was filming him, I wasn’t, and that he had simply pushed my hand, he slapped it strongly in a clear attempt to destroy my phone.

Mark Wydler also admitted that he had made a jabbing gesture towards me as to frighten me into leaving and stopping my recording of the event. I personally believe he attacked me as he viewed me as a vulnerable young woman on the ‘other side’ he could hit and get away with abusing.

Mark Wydler’s defence solicitor, a man named Stephen Davies, had attempted to liken the assault to a jostle on a crowded tube train but this had obviously been seen through by the district judge.”

I had stayed in contact with the victim of assault and when I spent time in the capital I attended a LWS event on 22/10th to do my own little protest in solidarity with Sarah Jane Baker who was returned to prison for her protest at Trans Pride London this year. At this protest there was an altercation with one of the attendees.

My protest was peaceful, if provocative but while l was there I did talk to the attendees and made it clear l was not a threat. The police arrived and took some details. I had completed my action and decided to leave.

The LWS events are a collection of conspiracy theorists, garden variety racists and generally speaking, very few people who are united by a vague movement against something they don’t understand but that they feel emboldened to attack (one look at the British media shows where they acquire this boldness). It’s a sad state of affairs. Kellie Jay Keen turns up, plays her part, allows a few others to embarass themselves for social media, then she leaves, heading back to her middle class lifestyle in suburban England.

While l was in London that week I attended four separate events on the ‘Gender Critical’ networking circuit and all the same people were at each one. From the LGB Alliance conference, Institute of Economic Affairs, to Academy of Ideas, then Let Women Speak. They are a tight network with very few members but a lot of connections and hangers-on hoping to capitalise on a hate movement which has only benefited the people at the top of its pyramid of power.

A Puritan speaks-

Freda Wallace.

Please help support my work . Thank you x

Edit by Drake

