The Biology Class at Westminster

6 min readSep 30, 2023


What is a woman? It’s nothing they hope it is.

Sharron Davies has had an exhausting few weeks, from speaking at mysterious events in the Houses of Parliament, launching a book, appearing in interviews and podcasts, but luckily for us all she is taking a brief hiatus from being silenced to bring us a brand new political party that aims at harassing MP’s at home. Did anyone have Gender Critical Evangelists on the bingo card for 2023?

Before continuing to talk about the campaign, let’s probe quickly into the aforementioned event on the 20th of September 2023, held in the Cholmondeley Room and Terrace in the House of Lords and seemingly organised by Baroness Jenkins. To promote a new lobby initiative to use gender issues to influence votes in an upcoming general election.

We know this because of pictures popping up on some of the usual suspects X feeds. Interestingly Googling the event, date and location reveals nothing, which is odd for an apparently annual event (as told by Harry Miller l and Denise Fahmy (the gender critical artist who was recently in the news and apparently spoke at the event)). We also know that Baroness Jenkin had the power to invite people (the group Liberal Voice for Women, a Lib Dem group who weren’t allowed an event at the Lib Dem main convention due to being transphobic). Finally we know the location, Cholmondeley Room, from Mr Menno snootily correcting me for joking it looked like a Wetherspoons. Which it does.

Now what is curious to me is that of the speakers that Fahmy tagged, none of them posted extensively about the event and their participation. In fact most of them either just reposted Fahmy's post (an addendum to an existing tweet, not even a dedicated tweet). We know from photos, mostly from Liberal Voice for Women shilling their new propaganda) that the guest list was a veritable who’s who of gender critical voices. Graham Linehan was of course present, as if he does not attend the event wasn’t really real. We also saw appearances from LGB alliance members, Transgender-Trend and many other Tufton Street/Old Queen Street luvies.

Sharron, who was praised for speaking at this mystery event, chose it to launch her new political campaign in which she was asked to lead at said event. If you were planning to launch a new political campaign, why is the event so hushed up? Where are the videos of the rousing speeches? For an event about free speech it is odd how the participants all seem to be self censoring it.

Sharron's salt of the earth ‘grass roots’ ‘apolitical’ campaign (which we now know was offered to her in a private room in the Houses of Parliament) is also being supported by Riverside Advisory, if that name sounds familiar it may be because of them getting fired by Prince Andrew when they were caught trying to hire someone to harass the woman with allegations against his royal nonsenses. A strange choice of firm for a women’s rights organisation to pick.

The main ‘gimmick’ is for people with cameras to show up at politicians houses and record them being asked what a woman is. Oddly enough Baroness Jenkin has a history of campaigning against infiltrating politicians private lives, but I am guessing since she got caught breaking lockdown for a party she may have since decided the press isn’t too bad.

Anyone who is old enough probably remembers the horrific murder of Jo Cox. It is beyond me why any person would think it is a good idea for a mob of people with recording equipment to show up and harass politicians, especially female politicians, in their private accommodations. Question them at their surgeries, send emails, send letters, petition them at Westminster. That is what grass roots activism actually is. Not doxxing politicians and harassing them when they don’t answer the way you want.

For anyone who claims this is hyperbole or exaggeration, take the time to scroll Twitter and see the harassment heaped onto any woman or man who dares try to include trans people in their definition of women. Again this is not a revolution in politics, it is high school bullies with too much internet clout commissioned in the House of Lords and being spin doctored by a Royalty-linked paedophile defender who wanted to discredit the victim. The lack of transparency speaks volumes, and it isn’t a pretty story.

I will be at the conservative party conference in Manchester this week. I am interviewing people from the LGBT Conservatives and hope to talk to people from the IEA who wrote the “gender ideology” pamphlet which l have reviewed here.

Its interesting who Rosie Duffield (Labour MP for Cantebury) is happy to be pictured with and why. It cannot be ignored that the network of anti-trans activists has its roots in the far-right and has either crept over them incrementally, or they have been willing participants in a movement towar authoritarianism. Either way it is disturbing and needs to be wildly known.

Apparently Graham Linehan was supposed to the there for a “free speech” event. Ironically the Greater Manchester Police stopped his pass application because there is an investigation on going regarding his need to refer to people as sexual predators which put them in public danger. Claire Fox is said to be in attendance so I will be asking what free speech actually means for them.

What is a woman?

  • All the women who were abused by the met police as reported by Baroness Casey Report
  • -All the women in sport who are set by my institutional misogyny
  • -All the women the gender critical movement talked over while using the word “woman” as a weapon.

Freda Wallace

Edit by Sea Horse.

