The Luxury Vexations of Andrew Doyle. (The Terf Reich 26)

4 min readAug 19, 2023


1)Andrew Doyle, who self identifies as a comedian (pronouns he/he ha/ha), reveals they decided to come to the Fringe last minute and found a location on the outskirts of Edinburgh, he gives the lineup of comedians but neglects to mention Graham Linehan (Glinner) was a secret (ashamed).

2) Doyle nearly accidentally reveals they are using Glinner as a puppet and quickly asserts it is his comedy, even though Glinner is not a stand up. Graham on TalkTV said he was never meant to be announced, so one of them is telling porkies.

3) They mock the announcement to cancel the performance that had been arranged under deceptive terms. Saying they are ‘using inclusivity to exclude’ which is the mantra of cis straight men everywhere who assume their participation is mandatory for it to be inclusive. Boo hoo.

4) Well obviously Glinner was the most controversial participant because the others are fairly obscure. But claiming to be surprised the event was cancelled when you billed Glinner as a cancelled comedian is a choice. Not a great choice. But Andrew does have a habit of those.

5) The second venue aged well. Car park anyone? Andrew makes the decision to reuse the word Pharisee as well as comparing them and trans activists to Mary Whitehouse and the Christian right protesting vulgarity at the Fringe. Vulgarity is not bigotry.

6) Doyle says the show was a sell out, as are the comedians. Graham said he would do the show on a street corner, which was prophetic. Doyle claims censorship is an issue in comedy, but fails to grasp that comedy is not exempt from decency and respect for people

7) Doyle agrees that comedy is a narrow world view and consenting to participating with the act and not having to hear racist jokes is an unnatural act. Doyle also claims jokes do not reflect opinions and beliefs, which is absolute bullshit. Doyle praises racial epithets for laughs.

8) They use Boyle as an example of an uncancelled comedian, but he has been called out multiple times. They also weirdly defend the right to ‘joke’ about raping and killing Holly Willoughby. They also claim Boyle is ‘woke’ which is wild. You can joke about your own trauma. Not others.

9) They acknowledge that some people are large enough to avoid cancellation, such as Chapelle. Though they mention someone trying to stab him, which seems like a pretty literal cancellation. Doyle claims they aren’t edgy or controversial, yet runs an ‘edgy comedy night’

10) Doyle laments the stifling of young comedians by not allowing them to be bigoted or hateful. If you cannot be funny without offending people, maybe you aren’t actually funny? Doyle evokes Pharisees and woke culture yet again….and claims no young comedians on the circuit are subversive, proving he doesn’t actually understand that as a concept. Rosie Jones being a prime example. Jen Ives as another.

11) Doyle claims that authoritarians don’t have a sense of humour. If anyone who doesn’t find you funny is authoritarian then we have about 8 billion authoritarians around. He then decries being quoted saying he set up comedy unleashed to say racist things, but ‘it’s only a joke bro’.

12) Doyle mentions the importance of context for comedy, for example in the context of a full frontal lobotomy, Doyle is mildly amusing. He also claims that the n-word is fine if the context is right. And defends Jo Brand joking about acid attacks because the show was called Heresy

13) Doyle is proud that his book has no jokes and that comedians don’t have to be funny all the time, but Andrew could try being funny at least some of the time. He says preaching on stage is not funny, even though Glinner literally ended up doing that whilst sobbing in a car park.

14) Apparently not being a bigot is ‘safe’ and that minorities are too strong to be defeated and suggests that they are implanted in every major corporation, field, government party… Megan and Harry. He claims we cannot be downtrodden because not everyone wants us dead, only some

15) Doyle claims he hasn’t even seen Grahams set, and that it wouldn’t even be polished and they were using this as a platform for his ‘genius’ and basically that cultivating his ego is more important than the people his ‘comedy’ targets and hurts.

16) Apparently Glinner has never joked about trans people in his sets. Claiming there are fake screenshots (there are, but they are outnumbered by real ones) and praises his pugilism. Doyle then rudely points out how isolated Glinner is, which we all know meant divorced.

17) Apparently Glinner called Doyle alt-right 5 years ago and now they are besties. Which one changed? As Cilla would say, ‘it’s our Graham’. Glinner is embarrassed about previous anti alt-right stance. They again make Glinner out to be a victim of activists, and not his own actions.

Wrap up:

Doyle is using Glinner as a blunt weapon to try justify his own bigotry and to ramp up drama for his talk show. For a man who claims to be a proponent of free speech he seems to have 90% of trans Twitter blocked and can’t take a joke for shit. The category is: entitled shitheads

Freda Wallace

Edit by Sea Horse

