March MADSness

Mission Mads
2 min readMar 27, 2019


Lots of things have been happening since my last post. I’ve finally been allowed to lead my own tours of the cathedral to visiting students, and recently the education department has wrapped up a busy three weeks of Easter workshops. Over 400 children came to learn about the Easter story, performing a drama reenacting the events of Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, The Garden of Gethsemane, The Crucifixion, and Resurrection, making stained glass windows, learning about the symbolism of Easter objects, and having a tour of the cathedral. We kept them all very busy!

Now I’m looking forward to leading (by myself!) two days of Easter family activities held during spring break, and finally a little break before actual Easter comes around.

Here are a few highlights from the last months.

February 7: Felicity and I were honoured to be asked to lead opening prayers at the Bishop’s council meeting, and afterwards we got to snap a pic with Bishop Paul.
February 10: David and Debra (our wonderful Tsedaqah mentors) took me on a walk to a nearby farm with lots of peacocks! Although I didn’t see any in full display, they were still very impressive to see up close.
February 22: David took Felicity and I on a trip to Formby Park where we saw a very high spring tide and looked for the tufted ears of the famous Formby red squirrels. This is a picture of me sitting in one of the impressive tree forts somebody had made in the park!
March 7: Felicity and I enjoyed singing at a youth night hosted by St. Gabriel’s Church in Huyton sharing information about our project the Triangle of Hope. There we met the Archbishop of York, Archbishop John Sentamu (pictured below).
March 12: The interns enjoyed going to the Licensing service of Rev. Juliette (to the right of me) at St. Margaret’s Church, led by Suffragan Bishop Bev (my left), and attended by Archdeacon Jennifer (who is a fellow American from Virginia).

It’s hard to believe that my time here is already halfway over. I am finding that I have to start making plans about what I’m going to do when I return home (yikes!). Thank you always for your continuous love and support through prayers and donations, I truly couldn’t have gotten this far without your help these past six months.

Cheers xx



Mission Mads

Follow me and my mission work in Liverpool, England! Find me on Facebook (Madeline Roberts), or Instagram @mrobbie26