How to Attain Happiness

Shareen Singh
6 min readApr 2, 2018


How many people can honestly say that they are sincerely happy with themselves and their lives? In a society that is driven by money, material things, status, and titles…happiness is a new success. Here are some ways you can attain it:

Be Grateful
Appreciating what you already have is the foundation of happiness. If you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food on your plate, then you have more than many across the world. You are also fortunate if you are in good health and can see, hear and touch. Augusto Perez is a perfect example. He is a one-legged Paralympian, and a cancer survivor. But that did not stop him from living life and seeking happiness. Remember — you can always have more, but you can also have less. Be thankful.

Spend Less Time on Social Media
This one is huge because it has become a part of our routine lives. However, a rigorous study performed by Harvard illustrates that people who spend more time away from social media (specifically Facebook) are generally happier (1). If you find this difficult, try reducing social media one hour at a time. This ‘cleanse’ will leave you feeling rejuvenated, both mentally and emotionally, helping you minimize stress levels, and promoting a good state of mind. Focus less on everyone else’s ‘social media life,’ and work more on your improving your reality. Your future self will thank you.

Watch What You Eat
This should be a no-brainer — eat healthy and drink plenty of water! A study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, shows that adequate nutrients may help elevate mood (2). However, 80% of Americans lack vital nutrients because they do not eat fruits and vegetables on a recommended basis (3) — they mostly eat meat and processed foods. Decrease your meat and processed food consumptions. Many are not aware that factory farmed animals are killed when they are conscious, causing them to release stress hormones (which we then consume). Processed foods/drinks contain a lot of sugar. Increased sugar consumption may cause anxiety and depression (4). Be conscious. We are what we eat.

Meditate and Exercise
This should NOT be a chore. Find a physical activity you like — running, hiking, yoga. Meditation is also an excellent way to help attain happiness by relieving stress. Many find meditation difficult because they don’t know how to go about it. Understand, that though there are many forms of meditation, the purpose of all meditation is the same — to relax the body and calm the mind. I advise beginning meditation by closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing. The key here is to get your blood circulating so that oxygen flows to your brain. Healthy oxygen flow to your brain helps provide energy and makes you feel good (5). If you feel good, then you feel happy — it’s that simple.

Slow Down and Manage Time
We may live in a fast-paced society, but we all still have the same 24 hours in a day — it’s simply how we prioritize our day to day lives. Take the time to enjoy your meal — better yet, remind yourself that you are fortunate to be eating SOMETHING! Life is not all about work (or spending time doing one activity). Carve time out of your schedule for family, friends, and most importantly — yourself! Slow down and find time to do more things. For example, find a hobby — something that cultivates creativity, as creativity leads to motivation, motivation leads to action, action leads to accomplishment, and accomplishment leads to satisfaction. Time is valuable. Make every second count.

Try Not to Attach Your Happiness to Anyone or Anything
This can be difficult. Many people tend to buy things thinking it will bring them happiness. However, once that material possession is gone, then their happiness is gone with it. The same concept applies to attaching your happiness to a person. No one stays in your life forever. We come into this world alone, and we leave this world alone. The one person you will live with for the rest of your life is YOU. Don’t be with someone who makes you happy. BE happy.

Be Mindful of Who You Surround Yourself With
Misery loves company. Some people happen to be unhappy with themselves and will lead you down the path of unhappiness with them. They will do or say things to garner a reaction out of you — this is for their purpose and pleasure. Love and respect yourself to let these people go. However, be careful not to mistake these people for those who are honest with and constructively criticize you, as these are the people who are spending their precious energy trying to help a situation or help better you as a person. Most importantly, do not try to please everyone. You will most likely end up disappointed because you didn’t meet their expectations. Surround yourself with people who are positive in thought and action. You will begin to adopt those positive habits that will lead you to a happier lifestyle.

Clean Your Environment
Many people may overlook this factor. Cleaning your room, car and personal workplace has been proven to help declutter the mind and encourage positive thinking (6). Start by tossing out things you don’t use, or old clothes you don’t wear. Donate them. Many cultures believe that more space allows free flowing energy. You may add a small plant or fountain. (NOTE: Please be kind and only add a plant if you will take care of it.) Nature is soothing. The presence of a plant and the sound of water will ease you. A minimal environment makes you feel good. Minimalism also applies to people and life. The smaller your circle, the better quality your relationships. Less is more.

I cannot emphasize how important this is. We live in a “me-first” society. If we stop to at least think about those who are less fortunate, not only will it help them, it will help ourselves. Helping OTHERS is a perfect reminder that we should be grateful for what we have. Donate — if not your money, then your time. Whether it’s feeding a homeless man, assisting a senior woman, or listening to a friend, you are emitting an act of kindness. Every act of kindness is vital to positivity and happiness — it is contagious. If you can’t find a good person, be one. Set the example. I encourage you to share/extend your help to those you don’t know. It may seem like you will not receive anything in return. But if you give with your heart, you will truly gain powerful gratification.

Find Your Purpose
Find something to wake up to or live for. You didn’t come into this world to go to school, get a job, pay your bills and die. You came here for something greater. Your purpose will make you feel useful, important, and happy. Tap into what that may be. You exist; therefore, you matter — literally.

NOTE: My writing is based on personal experience, as well as independent investigation and research. If you choose to follow any advice above, understand that it is at your own discretion. You are accountable for your decisions and actions.

1. Christakis, Holly B. ShakyaNicholas A. “A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, the Worse You Feel.” Harvard Business Review, 21 Aug. 2017,

2. Dovey, Dana. “Fruits And Veggies May Be The Key To Happiness; Eating 8 Portions A Day Increases Life Satisfaction.” Medical Daily, 12 July 2016,

3. Rettner, Rachael. “Most Americans Still Don’t Eat Their Fruits & Veggies.” LiveScience, Purch, 9 July 2015,

4. Fidler, Julie. “Study Reveals Link Between Sugar and Depression, Mood Disorders.” Natural Society, 17 Aug. 2017,

5. Boehlke, Julie. “Benefits of Increased Blood Circulation.” LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group, 14 Aug. 2017,

6. Hanski, Mike. “Here’s Why Decluttering Will Make You Happier.” Fulfillment Daily, 4 Aug. 2016,

