Reminders and Reflections in a Time of Crisis

Shareen Singh
4 min readApr 2, 2020



Practice Precaution Over Panic

Nothing good transpires from panicking. It inhibits your ability to think clearly and make logical decisions. Panic arises when people feel they don’t have control. Educate yourself on what’s happening and try to prepare the best you can by using the knowledge and resources you have — this will provide you a sense of stability during chaotic times.

Stay Informed, Not Inundated

There is so much information being circulated, and it’s changing by the hour. Exposing yourself to too much information can overwhelm and exhaust you into sickness. And the purpose is to stay as healthy as possible. It’s ok to limit reporting intake. The mainstream media is emphasizing on the numbers infected and killed over the numbers recovered. Focus on the medical guidelines that can protect you instead of leeching on to fear-based reporting that can cause unnecessary panic.

Be Kind and Mindful

Many people are struggling right now — physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Unfortunately, an infectious virus (no pun intended) has plagued humanity with the concept that there is not enough goodness to go around. The truth is — there is enough for everyone’s NEED, not everyone’s GREED. Please refrain from buying more than you need and remain compassionate.

Offer Help

According to government and medical officials, the best way to assist is to slow viral transmission by staying indoors and adhere to social distancing when outdoors. There are many ways to help people. But if you’re unable to assist, guide them to resources that can. Knowledge is power. Sharing is caring.

Maintain Safety and Build Healthy Habits

It shouldn’t take a pandemic for people to establish common-sense habits:
1) Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze
2) Wash your hands
3) Wipe down surfaces
4) Quarantine


Take this opportunity to do things you haven’t been able to do when you had your daily routine:

Clean, Declutter, Organize
What’s worse than feeling stuck in your house is feeling barricaded in a messy one. Make your living space presentable and inviting. You’ll feel much more comfortable dwelling in it.

Learn a New Skill
If this crisis has taught us anything — it’s how dependent we are on the system for essential needs. Learn how to knit, garden, start a fire, tie a rope. Survival skills are crucial.

Take-on a New Hobby
There are countless classes offered online that vary from cooking to dancing to painting. Start new hobbies, or refine current ones. They will boost your brain’s creativity.

Stay Connected
Take advantage of technology that allows us to see and speak to family and friends. We are all on borrowed time. Spend as much time with your loved ones as possible.

We are not always granted this breather opportunity. Take the time to plan what you want to do or accomplish when you exit this quarantine. The comeback is greater than the setback — for those who blueprint their moves during the downtime.


Choose healthy ways to cope:

Focus on your breathing, and clear your mind. Remind yourself that you’re alive — living is a gift that many are losing right now. Count your blessings and be grateful.

Reading will take your mind into a place other than the present. It’s a way to “get away” without getting away. Immerse yourself in a world of imagination.

Journal your thoughts to get them out of your head. Your mind should be free for all the positivity and wellness it can get right now. If you do your inner work, you’ll look back on those thoughts and feel empowered you overcame them.

Step Outside
While we still are permitted, get some sun and fresh air. A change of environment with the birds and bees can make all the difference. You’ll learn to grow a deeper appreciation for nature.

Keep Your Mind and Body Fit
It’s easy to fall into a lethargic state while binging on Netflix and your quarantine snacks. Get some form of physical activity and memory games into your daily routine. They will sustain your motivation.


If you have the mental capacity, this is an opportunity to self-reflect and evaluate your life. Confront your triggers and fears — essentially any wounds that require healing. How can you strengthen your discipline and make wiser decisions? How can you sustain your inner peace and respond sensibly? How can you solidify your patience and act responsibly? How can you improve and contribute to a better tomorrow? This process can lead you into a dark place. And it is ok to go there, as long as you do not stay there. Facing your darkness can be exhausting — so remember to rest.


…we’ve become so consumed by fear that we haven’t considered the possibility that maybe WE are the virus — the virus that has infected this planet with little to no regard or respect for life while ungratefully wasting its resources. We think we’re invincible and can escape our consequences. Perhaps this is nature’s way of taking back her power to restore balance so that she can take a moment to breathe and heal. Maybe this shift is forcing us to slow down to humble ourselves, and re-assess how we impact our planet and one another. Let this moment in time be a reminder that we are not as significant or in control as we think we are. May it serve the opportunity to un-learn indoctrinate fear and re-learn unconditional love. Be intentional with the time you have left without forgetting Mother Earth that gave you life.

