Shareen Singh
5 min readOct 6, 2018

The Power and Benefit of Helping Others

We live in a predominately “me-first” world. This has become a standard way of life, and as a result, many have forgotten the power of helping others, why it’s important, and how it’s beneficial. It can heal you. It can also heal the world. The following are some ways you can lend a helping hand:


This is the most obvious way to get involved and help your community. If you are unable to volunteer on a consistent basis, try dedicating time intermittently. Assist in a soup kitchen and feed homeless people. Plant trees. Visit a shelter and spend quality time with animals. Join a foundation. If volunteering through a charity or organization isn’t your cup of tea, then actively search for other ways to be useful. When you see someone struggling, simply ask if he or she needs assistance. Most importantly, try to involve your children.

Many say that they don’t have time, but everyone has 24 hours in a day to work with. Reschedule lunch with the ladies and tutor special needs children instead. Alternatively, plan a date to visit a senior home. You may be surprised at how youthful, fun (and funny) some elderly can be. You can also learn A LOT from them. If you long for an unusual experience, then plan a trip to a foreign country, and while you’re there, spend a day supporting a cause affecting people in that region. The options are endless, and at times, overwhelming. Begin by focusing on a cause you feel strongly about.

Another way to make a difference for those who are pressed on time is to donate money. It doesn’t have to be an extravagant amount — just a quantity within your means. Disclaimer here — exercise caution and do some investigation before opening your wallets. Some scams pose as charities and prey on helping hands.

For others, living has become so expensive that they cannot afford to give money. That’s ok. You can donate old clothes and toys — items that you no longer wear or use. I will put clothes on someone’s back or plant a smile on a child’s face. People won’t remember you by what you said, they will remember you by what you did. So, no matter how you go about volunteering, recognize your contribution and impact.


…any cause that you are passionate about. There are so many pressing issues affecting our society. Some ways you can get involved — attend a fundraising event, join a solidarity march, take political action by calling and writing letters to congressional representatives, or pursue a career fighting for the cause you are passionate about! For example, if you want to help find a cure for cancer, aspire to become an oncologist. Fighting for causes require more time and energy because the issues are ongoing. Therefore, its efforts have to be continuous for them to be effective. Some may find this exhausting. However, when you to see your exhaustive efforts making a difference, the experience delivers deep gratification and rewards you in ways you would never have imagined.


This is trivial when it comes to helping people or fighting for a cause because it creates awareness. Individuals may not be aware of issues happening outside their bubble. Which is why informing people has never been more imperative than now. The public is either uninformed or misinformed. Make a habit of doing research, and encourage others to do the same. Share knowledge you learned about matters that plague our country and world. Shed light on how someone’s lifestyle, actions, and choices could be making a problem worse. Informing or confronting people can be challenging because they may not want to hear what you have to say — maybe it’s their ego, or perhaps they are set in their ways. Nevertheless, alerting our society can bring realization to some and compel others to bring about change. In the wise words of James Baldwin: “If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you do not see.”.


If you performed a helpful deed and felt good about it, share it. Unfortunately, some hesitate to share because others are quick to attack and criticize them. There reasoning? “If you want to feed the poor, then feed the poor. Don’t feed your ego.”. This way of thinking is toxic, detrimental to humankind, and sends the wrong message in so many ways because it discourages people from doing and spreading good. We are bombarded by distressing news and events. For this reason, most of society has accepted negativity as normal way of life. We need to counter that by spreading compassion and positivity. Do not let another’s guilt stop you from breeding altruism. Kindness is a ripple effect that can transcend all barriers, and ultimately, change the world. People need to be reminded of this.


…and be friendly. No matter how bad of a day you’re having — smile. It’s contagious. Sometimes the gesture may not be reciprocated, but it does not go unnoticed. People observe behavior and actions. Your kindness can touch someone you don’t directly engage with. When you commit to authenticity, people notice and begin to believe that your efforts come from a sincere place. It sets the example of how humankind should be — KIND. Science proves that it takes less effort to be happy, and more energy to be grumpy. So, do your mindset (and everyone around you a favor). Be nice. It doesn’t cost any money, and everyone benefits from it.

The Benefits of Helping Others

Volunteering can help boost self-confidence and create a sense of belonging, making you feel useful and important.

Volunteering can also increase lifespan by keeping you physically and mentally active. Those who volunteer decrease their risk of depression because they are usually surrounded by people, alleviating loneliness.

Those who volunteer improve their social skills and the ability to work with others. It also helps manage stress and exercise patience.

Volunteering teaches children the value of generosity and reminds them to stay humble. Children who learn to give growing up are generally happier. Furthermore, children who continue volunteering as teenagers tend to have higher self-esteem and earn better grades.

Be mindful — you have to live in the society you choose to (or choose not to) help. Helping empowers others to do the same. It draws in like-minded people that you connect with naturally. It creates and maintains meaningful relationships and challenges you to practice a purposeful existence.


Don’t help others with the expectation of getting something in return. Not only does that undermine and defeat the entire purpose of helping, but it can degrade trust and make people question your intentions. The outcome should never leave you disappointed. It should inspire you to leverage your platform, do more, and be a better influence in the world. There is power in numbers. If everyone takes the ownership and accountability of helping others, the world will become a better place for all.