Top 3 Gum Infection Treatment Approaches Used by Top Dentists

Mission Smile
2 min readMay 28, 2024


Gum infections can be painful. These can lead to severe oral health issues if left untreated. Fortunately, advances in dental treatment have helped develop effective treatment approaches to combat gum infections. Know about the top 3 Gum infection treatment Kolkata approaches used by dental experts today.

Gum infection treatment Kolkata

1. Root Planing

It is a non-surgical treatment approach commonly used to treat gum infections. This procedure involves deep cleaning of the teeth and gums to remove plaque and tartar buildup. A dentist uses specialized instruments to smooth the rough surfaces of the tooth roots, eliminating any bacterial infection.

Root planing helps to reduce the gum pocket depth. It allows the gums to reattach to the teeth. This treatment approach is often recommended for patients with mild to moderate gum infections.

2. Bone Grafting

In severe cases of gum infections, where the infection has damaged the bone supporting the teeth, dentists may recommend bone grafting. This procedure involves the transplantation of bone tissue to replace the damaged bone.

During the procedure, the dentist removes infected gum tissue and places the bone graft material in the affected area. Over time, the body regenerates new bone naturally, restoring the strength and integrity of the jawbone. Bone grafting is an effective treatment approach for advanced gum infections that have caused bone loss.

3. Surgery

In some cases, gum infections may require surgical intervention. Surgical treatment approaches, such as flap surgery or pocket reduction surgery, are used to access and clean the infected areas beneath the gum line.

During flap surgery, a dentist makes small incisions in the gum tissue to lift it and gain access to the infected area. Then, he thoroughly cleans the area, removes any diseased tissue, and repositions the gums to promote proper healing. Surgery is typically recommended for severe gum infections that do not respond to non-surgical treatments.



Mission Smile

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