Do You Know Your Feel Good Style?

Kristan Fiandach
2 min readDec 3, 2021

When it comes to feeling good there are certain self-care practices and methods that work better for us than others. Knowing your feel good style can be a way to discover what you can do to feel better when you’re stressed, overwhelmed or just feeling “off”.

At Feel Good People we study the practice of self-care. Through our research, we discovered that there are 6 primary styles of self-care: Energy shifting, physical activation, indulging, inspiration, achievement and a holistic approach. We created a free quiz based on our research that you can take to learn your Feel Good Style and the self-care solutions that work best for you.

Here’s a sneak peek into the 6 Feel Good styles:

  1. The Energy Shifter
  • Needs regular solo and quality time with loved ones
  • Impacted by the energy and aesthetics of their environment
  • Appreciates and recharges from time invested in self

2. The Physical Activator

  • Through the body the mind is calmed
  • Nourishing, pampering, moving, and appreciating the body is essential
  • Natural fabrics for clothing, bedding and furnishings recommended

3. The Calm Achiever

  • Organization and accomplishing goals puts them at ease
  • Utilizes automation, preparation and checklists for low stress
  • Requires a tool kit of quick to access stress coping practices to relax and reset

4. The Deserving Indulger

  • Treating themselves feels really good
  • Important to celebrate milestones and accomplishments
  • It’s not about the price of the treat, more about the connection they feel to it

5. The Inspired Empath

  • Seeks out inspiration and motivation
  • Impacted by communication, words and expressions
  • Practicing positive self talk and mantras are essential

6. The Holistic Seeker

  • Self-care practices are wide ranging
  • Requires consistent discovery of what makes them feel good
  • Important to prioritize self-care or they will feel depleted

Feel Good People is a mindful technology company specializing in self-care products and solutions. We believe feeling good requires intentional care of the mind and body and helping you feel good is at the core of the work we do. Get the latest in self-care and relaxation by following us on Instagram.

