Grab Feature: Report Message

Masturah M.
2 min readSep 20, 2023

Role Lead Designer
Deliverable In-app feature
Launched in Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam
Impact Increase in safety incidents reported, allowing Grab to take appropriate measures on perpetrators, assuring users of their safety within Grab


Safety is a priority as part of the general enhancement of the Chat platform. Alongside the Safety team, we discovered an alarming number of reported abuse on both sides (consumer to driver partners and vice versa). As one of the prongs to combat offensive and dangerous behaviour, the Chat & Voice team has been tasked to tackle this problem within Chat.

This would assure users that the incident has been reported to Grab and necessary precautions taken after review.

While this example is specifically for peer-to-peer chat, historically, it is more likely to happen during an order or booking-related chat between a customer and rider/ driver.

For this scenario, the reporter is prompted to assign another driver once an issue has been reported to curb more offensive or potentially dangerous situations. It will then create a ticket for support agents to intervene.

Explorations and the Thinking behind them

We have data on users trying to use long-press on the chat screen. This is also a very familiar behaviour in other social media/ chat apps. However, to make this design foolproof, we wanted to prompt users of this new feature. Here are the explorations:

Originally published at



Masturah M.

A user’s fiercest advocate, helping them fall in love with products and businesses.