An entire generation of gaybies will grow up in evangelical churches feeling “less than”, and there is nothing I can do about it except write this article

Letting go of my saviour complex for this is a fight too big for me to fight, and I can only share my story for the closeted Christian kid hurting out there

Miss Rachel Reads
10 min readJul 13, 2019

Why I’m writing this

I realised recently that the evangelical megachurch I’d been a part of had invited Erwin McManus, lead pastor of Mosaic for their youth conference happening this week.

And my heart sank.

Unlike me, the organisers probably hadn’t been on queer Christian Twitter where the said pastor has recently been excoriated for allowing the abuse of queer people to stay unchecked.

Alex Blue, one of the former members of the church, and a famous YouTube singer/songwriter, wrote extensively about how she was treated there and I quote:

“I never heard anyone say explicitly what the church’s stance was on LGBTQ affirmation or inclusion, but I knew how that group of people was treated. I saw…



Miss Rachel Reads

Passionate about mental health and wellness, queer issues in the Southeast Asia region, education, books, and the intersections of all the above. (she/they)