Is my church a cult?

10 simple questions to determine

Miss Rachel Reads
7 min readJun 15, 2023


Having been part of an evangelical megachurch for 10 years of my early adult life that has been accused by many in my country to be a cult, and having come out of it, I think I have a few things to share.

To me, the church wasn’t a cult but had many cult-like elements.

Reading “Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships” helped me realise that even though I wasn’t quite part of a cult, the similarities were startling.

It’s a long and intense read at 384 pages, so I thought I’d write this piece to help the time-pressed person.

This little article is my personal guide (not wholly based on the book) to determining if your church is a cult, or has cult-like qualities.

If at the end of it, you realise that you’ve ticked off most of the criteria, then I would encourage you to leave, and find a new church to plant yourself in, even as you develop a support network outside of spirituality to ground yourself with.

If you’re ready, sit tight, buckle up, and here we go!

Part 1: No questioning authority

1. Does my church demand unquestioning loyalty to…



Miss Rachel Reads

Passionate about mental health and wellness, queer issues in the Southeast Asia region, education, books, and the intersections of all the above. (she/they)