How I started my journey as a digital creator: How you can do the same

4 min readOct 17, 2023


Hey there, I’m Ruhi, a digital creator, and I’m here to guide you as you begin your online adventure. I’ve already shown you what I gained in just 20 days as a notion template creator, and now I’m excited to help you do the same.

So, let’s get started. You can kickstart your journey towards earning $x dollars by picking the type of digital product that suits you best. And the best part? I’ll show you how to create it easily.

Step 1: Let’s Begin by Dreaming Up Your Awesome Product!

Start with brainstorming on which product you can sell.

Now that you’ve got your product idea in mind, it’s time to have some fun exploring. Take a virtual stroll through popular digital product marketplaces like Etsy, Gumroad, Teachable, and plenty more to know Is the product you’re thinking of selling is a winner or not. If yes then we are good to go.

As for me, I began my journey by delving into the world of Notion templates. I made sure there was a hungry audience eager for what I had to offer. Once I was confident that my product had a green light, I dived even deeper into all things Google to perfect my approach.

Step 2: How you can sell it

Figure out how can be your target audience. Once you know who they are see where you can find them.

On which social media platform they are likely to be present?

  • If you’re targeting professionals, you’ll find them on LinkedIn.
  • If your products are related to lifestyle, check out Pinterest.
  • For selling almost anything, try YouTube.
  • Twitter is great for connecting with working professionals.
  • And for niche communities, there’s a Facebook group for just about everything.

When it came to my Notion templates, I noticed interest from various niches. But as I dug deeper, I decided to make Pinterest, X, and Facebook my main playgrounds to connect with my audience. As I can see there are already lots of creators on this platform.

Step 3: Time to Craft Your Masterpiece!

Now that you’ve got your plan sorted, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and create the digital product of your dreams. You don’t need fancy tools — there are plenty of free ones out there to help you get started.

But here’s the golden rule: Be yourself! Don’t just copy what others are doing. Strive to make something that’s truly one-of-a-kind and uniquely yours.

I began my Notion journey by learning from YouTube and the Notion website to understand how to use it. Since Notion was a bit challenging, I started downloading templates created by others to see how they made them and what methods they used. You do the same.

Step 4: Set Up your digital shop

Start setting up your online store. It’s very simple to set store online and should only take a few minutes.

I started with Gumroad. You can find a lot of videos on YouTube on how you can do it.

Step 5: Start Driving Traffic

Selling is like a numbers game, which means the more people who know about your product, the more you’re likely to sell. To help you sell as much as possible, here’s a simple checklist:

  1. Be consistent and show up every day for the next 30 days. This shows that you’re putting in effort, and both people and computer algorithms like that.
  2. Understand the platform you’re using:
  • Twitter: Be active and engage with others.
  • YouTube: Create content that grabs people’s attention and uses relevant keywords.
  • TikTok: Share content that has the potential to go viral.
  • Pinterest: Post beautiful and visually pleasing content and use relevant keywords.

I’m using Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter to drive traffic to my shop. You can check out my page link given below.

  1. Always include a Call to Action (CTA) to direct people to your product. Don’t just leave them wondering. Ask them to check out what you’re selling.
  2. Don’t try to come up with everything from scratch. Find someone in your niche (a similar category or interest) who is already successful on the platform. Get ideas from them on what to post and how to interact with your audience.

I hope you found this article helpful. You can start your journey by researching more and more. The more you analyze how others are doing the more you will get to learn from them.

Thanks For Reading!




Write about notion, productivity and habits | 9-5 pro by day, creator by night | Let's make your life organized!