Fresh Out of Home Baked F*❤ks

Miss Victoria
6 min readOct 14, 2022


True North 🧭

As societies across the globe are becoming busier and much more demanding, true north is becoming a mystery throughout the evolution of humanity, and are leaving a wake of destruction in their path.

Whether your destruction is depression, anxiety, entitled cousin Ricky and Aunt Karen, the world will never stop turning. So what is the key to finding your true self in the sh*t show we call life? My recommendation: JUST RUN FRESH OUT OF F*#KS!

Empty Shelf Photo from Upsplash edited by Victoria

No matter your nation or creed, the pandemic took an enormous toll on all of us in the past few years. Depression and anxiety became the magnetic force screwing up our inner compasses. The Middle class became poor, the poor fell even deeper into poverty, while the rich got richer, how did this even make sense? Money to the rich and poverty to the poor, where was our Robin Hood when we needed him? And at the end of 2022, is it even over? Even when the politicians say it is, are they worth being trusted going into 2023? Definitely not.

American, French, and Air National Guard Flags taken by Victoria

WAIT WAIT WAIT! I know what you’re thinking, “Miss Victoria, I thought this was about giving up my last F*ck? How and why the hell are you going on about politics?”

Well my lovely readers, because it has taken the world descending to political chaos for many people to pull their heads out of the sand to realize that they need to look in the mirror and change themselves, in order to build the life they desire and deserve! We need to stop listening to our “leaders,” and think for ourselves!

But most of all, the chaos has made people realize that they need to mind their own business and stop caring so much about what others are doing or what they think. JUST LIVE YOUR OWN F*#KING LIFE!

So what are the Three best ideas for running out of F*#ks? Keep Reading!

  1. Take a small piece of your day, to look at your reflection and ask yourself: “DO I LIKE EXACTLY HOW THINGS ARE RIGHT NOW?”
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Are you able to look in the mirror at yourself and say,

“I see the good in me, and I trust my decisions.”

“I love that I try my best every day to become the person I am meant to be.”

“ANYONE who tries to bring me down with their own insecurities and unhappiness can GO F*#K THEMSELVES!”

Most of you will say no because you care too much about what your Mother/Mother-in-law thinks or the mean girls from your high school five years ago, and its time for that to end.

It took me many years to overcome the little voices in my head telling me what a piece of sh*t I am and that I would never amount to anything, due to what others have said to me. So if you look in the mirror and can’t love yourself in your life as you are, we will get you there ❤ And don’t forget to look in the mirror and ask yourself those questions weekly!

2. Start doing activities that bring YOU joy! Stop killing yourself for those who don’t appreciate you!

Photo by Adam Whitlock on Unsplash

Ever hear the term “act your wage?” Well I mean it and I’m not just referring to your job. Maybe you have a boss that under values you, a partner who takes advantage of you or friends that only want you around when you have something that they want.

If this is hitting home with you then listen up. YOU OWE ANYONE AND EVERYONE IN YOUR LIFE NOTHINNGGG! If you have ever stayed home from an event that you desperately wanted to go to or skipped the yoga class your best friend invited you to or even didn’t eat the damn cake due to someones’ guilt trip or the imagined guilt trip that they would put you under, then you need to realize your worth and potential!

You deserve so much more than that! Be selfish and be proud! It is your life to live and your life to die, so don’t allow anyone to take away what makes you happy! If someone can’t love you as is, do they even deserve you? People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime, and when the time comes you will know who is who.


Photo by Sam Field on Unsplash

We all do it, there is that one person we “HAVE” to consult in order to make a decision. Whether it be due to childhood validation issues or something else entirely. YOU ARE AN ADULT: stop asking permission (if you are under 18, wait until you are 18 to listen to this because you are, in fact, not an adult)!

For many years now, I have worn the “Black Sheep” badge with honor and many folks who know me well always wonder why I am referred to by that by my prominent family and why I am proud. I don’t believe that being the black sheep is a bad thing, nor do I believe that you have to do crazy deeds and be ostracized by your family in order to achieve that title.

I EARNED it because I quit giving any home baked f*#ks about what other thought of me or my choices! I decided many years ago that if my choices did not affect others negatively either directly or indirectly, then I did not need anyone’s permission or acknowledgment before I made my choices.

It is your life to live and your life to die. — Victoria

AGAIN, I am a grown up and will take responsibility for my own actions. The only decisions I tend to regret are the ones I allowed to be made for me or that were influenced by others. So before you go to your person for validation, stop and remember that you are a BAD*SS AND YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS!

OWN THAT SH*T! — Victoria

Life is difficult enough trying to navigate the social hierarchy and make others happy and live a life that you can be proud of. You get where I am going with this right?

Yes? Okay, good.

What I am really trying to say is that when you let go of the social restraints and embrace that you are never going to be able to please everyone but you can and should always make the best choices for yourself.

All I want is for my readers to live a much more peaceful existence and to be proud of the life you are living! Stay tuned for my next article coming out on Monday called “I am Selfish and Unapologetic!”

I know I am new to Medium but I vow to stay consistent and with your support, will keep all of my stories off of the paywall! Tune in Monday, Wednesday and Friday for new articles!

If you love my articles and want to support me, ALL tips are greatly appreciated in support of my work!

With all the love in the world,

Miss Victoria



Miss Victoria

Just a woman here to give you my perspective on reality!