Wager Credits — A new feature that supports the Sustainability & Yield-Generating Potential of our Bitcoin Wallets — Always Rethinking Bitcoin!

mista phi
5 min readMay 17, 2024


Before delving into this article, please review the information about the Best Bitcoin Wallet Ever. Doing so will give you a better understanding of the wallet’s existing mechanics and how the underlying software has been designed to support the platform’s lucrative yield-generating capabilities. And if you have not yet secured your wallet, Get Your Bitcoin Wallet Now to see what you’ve been missing!


Now with that part out of the way, we understand that these yield-generating wallets produce yield by accumulating Bitcoin through transaction fees and distributing the Bitcoin to wallet holders that have acquired Credits. And while these fees serve as a key component to the efficiency and sustainability of the platform, the system’s ability to appropriately manage and reduce its credit obligations is also crucial to achieving long-term sustainability and growth. And this brings us to the discussion of the wallet’s Wager Credits feature.

So What is it?

Wager Credits is a fun, efficient, and safe way for Players to support the platform by wagering a small amount of Credits in a randomized game of chance. The game is designed to offer a fast-paced, low risk, and high rewards opportunity for Players to increase their Credits.

Players can enter a game with a click of a button and an entry fee of just 0.000015 Credits (about $1 as of this publication). Each game is broken up into rounds that consist of exactly 5 entries and upon the submission of the 5th entry, each round is executed and a winner is randomly selected. This offers each player a 1 in 5 chance of winning, which are exceptional odds; particularly when users participate in multiple rounds.

And what’s the prize? Not much… Just 80% of the credits entered for the round. But it’s 4 times the amount that you entered with!

So with a small entry fee of 0.000015 Credits, the winner will immediately receive 0.00006 Credits (about $4 as of this publication). The remaining 20% goes directly towards paying down the system’s credit obligations at a pace of about $1 per round. But now you may be thinking, “$1 ain’t no money! How is this going to put a dent in the system’s obligations?”.

Glad you asked! Let’s talk about it…

First, each round is designed to execute immediately upon the submission of 5 separate entries. As such, a round can complete in a matter of seconds. Considering this, those single dollars can add up pretty quickly and such participation will naturally grow as users start playing and understanding the added benefits that come through their active engagement.

Secondly, each credit wager entered has a similar benefit to buying Credits in the marketplace. Just as buying Credits in the marketplace increases your wallet’s rate of conversion for a period of 24 hours, each round entered will likewise be added to the rate increases that your wallet is receiving from marketplace purchases. However, the time in which rounds are played must coincide with a marketplace purchase performed within any given 24-hour period. Meaning, if your wallet has not purchased any Credits within the past 24 hours, your wallet will not be eligible for any conversion boosts from its participation in wagering credits. However if you were to play now and purchase Credits from the marketplace 30 minutes later, those points would be combined with the rate increase received from your marketplace purchase. I know… That’s about as clear as mud so feel free to check out my Youtube Channel and inquire in the comments section of any of my recent videos.

Next is the fact that your participation will always serve to lower the system’s debt obligations, regardless of whether you win or lose. And this is a huge gain for everyone! To explain this benefit further, remember that the rate at which credits are converted into Bitcoin on a system-wide level is directly impacted by the system’s balance-to-obligation ratio. If the system has a balance of 1 BTC and has an obligation of 10 BTC, that ratio would be 10% (ie. Balance/Obligation = 1/10 = 0.1 = 10%). The higher the ratio, the faster credits are converted to Bitcoin. So if the balance is 1 BTC and the obligation decreases to 5 BTC, the ratio would then be 20% and the rate of conversion would increase to a level equivalent to the higher rate.

So if you want to see faster conversions, PLAY! And when you play enough times, you’ll likely end up with more credits based on the odds. Check out the screenshot below.

Other factors to consider when opting to wager credits are the extremely low costs to play and the fact that you are essentially playing with house money anyway. Consider… A percentage of the Credits that you received from your deposits were acquired freely, right? Also, any credits purchased from the marketplace were acquired at discounts that you will not find anywhere else in the world. So if you purchased $5 worth of credits for $4, you’ve essentially received $1 worth of credits for free; which you can then wager for a chance to turn that $1 gain into a $4 gain. And by doing so, you are simultaneously supporting the very protocol that you would like to support you.

Finally with the release of this update, I’d like to bring your attention to a screenshot that I captured while running random tests on the platform.

Wager Credits from your Yield-Generating Bitcoin Wallet

The stats of your wager activities will always be on display so you can monitor this and play responsibly. However, note that a total of 94 rounds were played from this wallet and only 25 of those rounds were won. So even with 69 losses, the wallet was able to obtain a profit of about $6 in Credits… The lesson to be learned from this is that you can profit from this added feature in more ways than one. But don’t forsake the marketplace for this particular feature because gambling is not a sustainable path to wealth and this feature only serves to decrease the system’s credits obligations. It does not and I repeat, DOES NOT generate revenue for the system. But the marketplace does produce income and continues to offer guaranteed discounts that will always result in you acquiring more Bitcoin for less!

So my suggestion… USE BOTH and enjoy the journey to more Bitcoin.



mista phi

Business Analyst, Programmer, & Investor. Ever learning and sharing.