What are Microservices?

5 min readSep 12, 2023


The pros, the cons, how the actually work, Components of Microservice Architecture, Microservices vs Monoliths, and challenges faced in microservices architecture.

What are Microservices?

What are Microservices?

It is a software development methodology that helps with the design, development, and maintenance of large-scale applications. Microservices evolved as a solution to the scalability, independently deployable, and innovation challenges with Monolithic architecture.

The pros of Microservices

Flexible Scaling

As demand for certain services grows, you can deploy across multiple servers, and infrastructures, to meet your needs.

Easy Deployment

Microservices enable continuous integration and continuous delivery, making it easy to try out new ideas and to roll back if something doesn’t work. The low cost of failure enables experimentation, makes it easier to update code, and accelerates time-to-market for new features.


Because Microservices are deployed independently, it’s easier to manage bug fixes and feature releases. You can update a service without redeploying the entire application, and roll back an update if something goes wrong. In many traditional applications, if a bug is found in one part of the application, it can block the entire release process. New features might be held up waiting for a bug fix to be integrated, tested, and published.


When these independent services are meticulously crafted, they are designed to operate in isolation without causing any adverse effects on each other. This level of isolation is a key advantage, as it ensures that if one component experiences a failure or disruption, the entire application does not collapse, as is often the case with the monolithic application model. This resilience and fault tolerance make microservices a robust choice for building reliable and highly available software systems.

The cons of Microservices

  • Due to distributed deployment, testing can become complicated and tedious and often hinders some of the scaling benefits of Microservices.
  • Additional complexity as the developers mitigate fault tolerance, network latency, and a variety of message formats as well as load balancing.
  • Developers have to deal with the additional complexity of a distributed system.
  • Messaging between the services has a performance overhead.

How Microservices actually work

Microservices architecture focuses on classifying otherwise large, bulky applications. Each microservice addresses an application’s particular aspect and function, such as logging, data search, and more. Together, these microservices form a single application. Microservices are all about decentralized, compartmentalized application packages. Microservice applications are relatively easy to build, deploy, scale, maintain.

The first part of creating microservices would be breaking down your entire application into smaller components. Usually, it is advised that you break down applications based on business functionalities rather than technical similarities.

Microservices are loosely coupled this means the services that make up an application function nearly independently, so any changes or updates to a single service have no impact on the application as a whole. Teams can deploy their own services without needing to coordinate with other teams or worry about negatively impacting them or the application as a whole.

Components of Microservice Architecture

Identity Providers

This service allows users to access and identify data. It creates applications using a collection of loosely coupled services. You can redirect users to the IAM for authentication, i.e., set up a user database and define permissions for user-facing microservices.


It owns a private database to access data and it is also updated through its service API. It supports inter-process communication for a different technology to any remote service.


These software packages operate in complete isolation to ensure that any activity within one component doesn’t disrupt the functionality of others. Containers are highly efficient due to their reliance on well-defined dependencies and the underlying code. Moreover, container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes offer automated scaling and streamlined container management, making them indispensable in modern software development environments.

Service Discovery

It manages deployment and distributes the load evenly, it features a service consumes, service registry, and service provider.

API Gateway

It serves as an essential part of communication in the system between the client and microservices.

Microservices vs Monoliths

When it comes to service development, you’ll often find yourself at a crossroads, having to choose between two distinct approaches: Monolithic architecture and Microservices architecture. Depending on the specific circumstances, the Microservices architecture can emerge as a favorable option, especially when dealing with extensive applications managed by distributed teams. Nevertheless, there are situations where sticking with a Monolithic application might still be the more sensible choice.

In the realm of monolithic architectures, all processes are intricately intertwined and operate as a unified service entity. Consequently, if one facet of the application encounters a sudden surge in demand, the entire architectural framework must be expanded. Conversely, with a Microservices architecture, an application is constructed as a collection of autonomous components, each functioning as an independent service. This fundamental distinction implies that when your application experiences heightened demand, only a select few services need to be scaled accordingly.

Challenges faced in Microservices Architecture

The benefits of microservices don’t come for free. Here are some of the challenges to consider before embarking on a microservices architecture.


With distributed systems, you need centralized logs to bring everything together. Otherwise, the scale is impossible to manage.


It’s critical to have a centralized view of the system to pinpoint sources of problems.


With Microservices, debugging the whole system can be very complicated. Unfortunately there’s no single answer to how to debug at this time.


Hurray! you just read an intro to Microservices. With the Microservices Architecture, improve scaling, and improve the overall performance of your IT systems.

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As a developer who practices Design Thinking 💡, I build for Customers, not for technologies.