7 Income Stream That Will Make You Rich, & How?

CryptoWisdom 101
4 min readDec 29, 2022


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

1) 9–5 Income

Most millionaire start out earning from their day job

With this income, they save and invest for the long-term

However, for most people, their salaries grow excruciatingly slow

This is how millionaire maximize their 0–5 income:

Step 1: Gain irreplaceable employment skills

Step 2: Gain experience rapidly by working a ton

Step 3: Move companies every 2–3 years to maximize salary

The more you stuck learning and moving, the more you make

The more you make, the sooner you’ll become millionaire

2) Profit Income

Profit is simply the difference between revenue and expenses

Ex/Buy pen for $5, sell pen for $10

Profit income is key because it can be done without trading time for money

Here are some ways you can do the same:

  1. Amazon FBA
  2. Website Flipping
  3. Dropshipping
  4. Drop Servicing

Find a need, identify arbitrage opportunities and fulfill it

That’s all it takes to start making profit income

3) Interest Income

To build significant wealth, your money needs to make money

You only have two hands and can’t do it alone

When you leverage compound interest, things really take off

However, don’t rely on crumby savings account interest

Do it instead:

Generally speaking, interest is earned from lending

However, you need to lend to the right people to make it worth your while

Acquire assets like municipal bonds, -bills or participate in P2P lending to earn interest

Collect on maturity a premium or coupon payments over time

4) Dividend Income

When a company realizes a profit, it has two choices:

  1. Reinvest
  2. Distribute

When option number 2 is chosen, this is how you get paid

So how do you actually earn dividend income?

Here you get answer:

Evert share you earn from a dividend producing company/fund will provide you dividend income

Ex — Own 1 share of Coca-Cola and you’d collectroughly


The more shares you acquire, the more dividend income you make

Ex — Own 1,000 shares of Coca-Cola and collects $400 a

5) Rental Income

Real estate has been used for centuries in order to build wealth

It’s no surprise that this asset class is a go-to for millionaires

However, most people see eal estate as having a high barrier to entry

Here’s how you can invest in real estate:

Investment options from most to least expensive:

  1. Commercial real estate (ex/invest in commercial complex)
  2. Residential real estate (ex/buy and rent house)
  3. Real estate Investment Trusts (pooled money into a portfolio of assets <$500)

6) Residual Income

Residual income is any income from past work (ex/TV shows, books etc.)

This is the most common form of passive income we tend to think of

However, you probably aren’t going to write a book or be on TV

Here are some other options:


  • Blog income
  • Affiliate income
  • Ad sense
  • Music royalties

The more assets with residual income you create

The more income you ultimately earn

7) Capital Income

Profit is made by buying and selling however capital gains differs from profit income

Profit income is generated by selling inventory

Capital gains are earned by selling capital property (ex/homes, stocks etc.)

Here’s how you can use capital gain income:

Step 1: Acquire capital asset (ex/stocks)

Step 2: Wait for appreciation (ex/Stock goes from $20–50)

Step 3: Sell and collect profits

The benefit is that capital gains are taxed at preferable rates

By avoiding some tax, millionaires grow their wealth faster and so can you!

★Free apps to earn money without any capital!★

💲 Honeygain, a passive income app to earn money off your unused internet bandwidth. Get $5 for free, no investment required.

💲TraffMonetizer, a passive income app to earn money off your unused internet bandwidth. no investment required.

💲 Peer2Profit, a passive income app to earn money off your unused internet bandwidth. no investment required.

💲Sweatcoin, a passive income move-to-earn app to earn free crypto with no investment.

💲Brave, a fast, private and secure web browser to earn money off advertisement.

💲Publish0x, is a crypto-agnostic publishing platform to earn money by reading.

💲 RollerCoin, a passive income crypto game to earn money by playing mining crypto currencies.

💲Kryptex, a passive income cryptocurrency mining software and pays you bitcoins or real-world money, be it dollars or any other currency.

💲CryptoTab, Earn coins passively while surfing the web.

💲EarnApp, a passive income app to make big money, safely, by sharing the unused resources on your resting devices.

💲IPRoyal Pawns, A passive income app to earn money off your unused internet bandwidth. Get $1 for free, no investment required.

★Cryptocurrency Investment Platforms★

💲 Biswap, a decentralized exchange platform for swapping BEP-20 tokens on the BNB Chain network. Guarantees superior speed and much lower network transaction costs.

💲 CoinEx, an expansive cryptocurrency exchange, with interesting offerings like staking, trading and crypto swapping.



CryptoWisdom 101

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