1 min readAug 1, 2018


Do not conversationally engage with me when I am out at night,


Do not conversationally engage with me when I involved in my own activity


Do not conversationally engage with my daughter


I will also not engage with you when you are in distress, or your daughter is drowning or you are in any other dire need. I wouldn’t want to trigger you.

As to your paranoid imaginings let me elucidate you.

Men make those same calculations about other men. The difference is we also have to calculate how we will kill, mame or disable him. Because statistically he is more likely to attack us than he is you. But keep on acting and treating men like criminals for their interest in you. Soon they will only see your daughter, and you will be invisible then you can move through life with much less worry.

Oh and maybe by the time your daughter is of age men will be trained to ignore women completely, then neither of you will have anything to fear.

