Waiting for the perfect moment

Jordan J. Williams
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


Life is short. We only get a nugget of time to find out what we want to do with it and an even shorter time to chase these dreams. Time is the most precious asset there is, yet most people treat it like it is the opposite. Why? Because we keep waiting for that perfect moment to go and grab the things we want in life. We are too scared to step out of our comfort zones and because of that we became too damn good at finding excuses for not chasing our dreams.

The title of this article, this simple sentence, this habit is what keeps most people from succeeding and having the life they want. How many times have you heard people mesmerizing about this company they wanted to start, only if they had just a little more money. Or this trip around the world they wanted to make, only if they had just a little more time.

Do you want this girl to like you? Good! Stop waiting for the perfect excuse to talk to her and just go talk to her instead. Chances are she likes the fact that you have the courage to approach her in the first place, what already separates you from probably 90% of everyone else in the world. And if it turns out she does not want to go on a date with you, also fine! At least now you know, you can move on (or prepare to move on) and do something you love with the time you would otherwise have waisted on waiting for the perfect moment to approach her.

This is the little secret to managing the most valuable asset there is in life. Just get out there, take risks and use your time the way you really want it.

Stop being afraid of what other people think of you. The only person that is standing between you and your goals is you. Nobody is gonna stop you from walking out the door to go and chase the things you have always wanted. Do you want to be a great writer? Good! Just get out there and start writing. Anything is possible if you truly believe in it and show the world that you really want it.

You say you do not have the time to chase your dreams? Well start waking up an hour early. Each minute you put into it will bring you one step closer to achieving what you want. Rome was not build in a day, and neither will your dreams. Start building your Rome today! Remember, life is short! Though it has so many beautiful things in store for those who dare to dream, those who dare to step out there and show the world who they really are.

There is no perfect moment to start living the way you want to, the right time is always now. The moment you realize this, is the moment you will find that the world is in your hands waiting for you to shape it!



Jordan J. Williams

Young writer, serial entrepreneur and a student. Loves to write and talk about philosophy, psychology, marketing, social media, blockchain and many more topics!