The darkest manipulation techniques

1 min readOct 31, 2023


In a world where human connections and relationships hold immense importance, it’s vital to recognize and protect yourself from dark manipulation techniques that can lead to unhealthy obsessions.

While we don’t advocate using these tactics, awareness is your shield against them.

1. The Roller Coaster Effect

This sinister technique operates by deliberately inducing anxiety and emotional pain, only to follow it with a sudden release of tension and intense pleasure. The roller coaster effect leaves victims craving consistency and attachment, trapped in a turbulent emotional cycle.

For instance: Ghosting someone, leaving them on “seen,” and then reappearing with a seemingly reasonable explanation, such as a drained phone battery, is a classic example of this manipulation.

2. Harmless Rejection

The tactic of harmless rejection involves conveying affection towards someone but creating barriers to any meaningful connection. Plausible excuses are used to keep the person at arm’s length, leaving them emotionally entangled and yearning for more.

For instance: Telling someone that you have feelings for them but can’t be with them due to a seemingly valid excuse.

