The Road Ahead for Misthos

3 min readAug 3, 2018


This week we reached a major milestone with our mainnet launch, and it has been a big success. Misthos was featured in a CoinDesk article that has been tweeted nearly 400 times and drew a lot of positive reactions. Our approach has received praise from widely respected people in the crypto community, and Misthos has been featured in prominent newsletters via CoinDesk and via Anthony Pompliano’s “Off the Stack”. We have on boarded our first customers and are engaging several others in the pipeline.

As Max Hillerbrand recently stated on the WorldCryptoNetwork this launch is a really big deal, as it is the first time that true, shared ownership of money, without any intermediaries is a reality without any barrier to entry other than an internet connection.

Here are some of our favorite tweets so far:

Let’s put our launch achievement in context. Misthos is a small team of 5 individuals, only 2 of which are working full time, who are united by a vision to make the future of decentralized work a reality. We are bootstrapping completely from scratch and thus proving that it is possible for a great team to ship value quickly with very little resources.

The encouragement we received post launch has validated our approach and given us the confidence to double down on our plans. The public release of our MVP this week was just a starting point. As we are now out of the beta phase, we wanted to take this opportunity to share our roadmap and gather feedback from our customers.

These are the most important topics for us moving forward:

1. Enhanced Security

We will always do our best to ensure that you can trust your money is secure when using Misthos. One of the first features you can expect post launch will be integration with at least one major hardware wallet provider.

2. Enhanced Scalability

a) Scaling Participation — In order to support larger groups we will make it possible for Partners to join that aren’t necessarily key holders / custodians in a Venture. That way more people can take part in the governance and decision making processes without being constrained by the implementation details of a Bitcoin multisig transaction.

b) Scaling Governance — As groups become larger, achieving unanimous consensus and requiring action by every partner becomes cumbersome. We will enable a scalable governance structure that can be configured to meet a specific groups needs on a venture by venture basis.

c) Scaling and Automating Operations — Handling all cashflow in Misthos should be as streamlined as in a legacy financial environment, if not more so. The need to input a payout manually should be a rare occasion and we will implement mechanisms that will enable most outgoing payments to be generated automatically.

3. Public Discoverability and Auditability

We expect many Ventures on Misthos to have some public presence and will want to receive payments from the public. We would like to make it simple for people outside of a venture to find an up to date address to know where to send money too. For charities or open source projects public auditing will also be a possibility.

4. Ecosystem Integration

We want Misthos to be a full-fledged business wallet for Bitcoin. Acting as a business account means taking a specific role within a larger ecosystem that we want to play well with. For example, we want to create seamless experiences for crowdfunding platforms, freelance marketplaces, or charities to integrate Misthos and use it as the default wallet to support the needs of the projects they host.

As outlined above, we have an ambitious roadmap and building this out is going to be a big effort. As with all our future goals it is very important for us to be constantly engaged with our customers and continuously incorporate their feedback. The relative prioritisation of the above topics is currently open. So, we would love to find out from you — our customers and the wider community:

What are the specific areas that your business or group find helpful?

What is missing in order for you to jump in and adopt Misthos?

Let us know your suggestions / thoughts/ comments / feedback via or on Twitter.




Misthos enables teams to collaboratively distribute funds