Dirty jokes memes- Best dirty jokes and memes to read

Priyabrataa Ganguly
2 min readJun 17, 2020


Dirty jokes memes- Are jokes or memes dirty? Well, the answer is yes and no. But what matters is how we enjoy those memes. Let’s find out some dirty jokes dirty memes.

Dirty jokes and memes- Dirty jokes

Jokes can come into your mind at any time. But how will you react on it that is the main question to be asked.

I was talking with my family members and suddenly a dirty joke came into my mind. In front of the elders in the family, I couldn’t say anything about the joke because it was a bit naughty. Though I could not control my smile at that time.

One of my family members asked me why am I laughing when we are not discussing any funny matter. I had to tell him a memory of school came into my mind so was laughing. This was my reaction when Dirty Jokes Memes came into my mind.

Dirty jokes and memes of eating after a long time

Majority of people are food lovers. But when they eat something after a long period then you must see their reaction at least.

I love kalakand, which is an Indian sweet very much. But I could not remember the last time I had eaten this, it was so long ago. Suddenly my aunt brought this sweet one day and I feel like eat all of them together. Such was my madness seeing that sweet.

Finally, I ate it and also shared the sweet with my parents. You must be thinking why I became so childish for that sweet, well I can’t do anything about it, it is my love.🥰 This is the Dirty Jokes Memes on eating after a long time.

Read more about Dirty jokes memes by clicking the link below

Originally published at https://www.baablumeme.com.

