Relieve your horses with Barn Misting System

Misting Systems
3 min readSep 22, 2017


Summers in a place like Arizona could be very annoying especially in the absence of any heat countering device. Most of us prefer to install air conditioners or patio misting system to maintain a cool and comfortable temperature inside out. But we often forget our animals or livestock who equally suffer the heat. Horses have a very low tolerance towards heat and they are on the verge of developing health issues, if left in adverse or unhealthy conditions. Fortunately misting system has gained prominence over the years and has made its way to barns as well.

Barn misting system

Why barn misting system?

Barns are located outdoor where heat waves are even stronger hence putting the animals or livestock at the higher risk of heat stroke or developing other health issues. Horses specifically are at even more risk during summers especially in the presence of dry air that sucks all the body moisture leaving it even more susceptible to heat accumulation. Horses do sweat but their ability to regulate body temperature is weaker in comparison to humans. Cows are equally vulnerable to heat stroke and sometimes even death due to exposure to heat that can adversely affect the milk production hence cutting down the profit. Heat even affects the egg production that declines by 20–40% during summers.

Barn misting system

After knowing all the ill effects heat pose on your livestock, being a businessman or being a good caretaker, it is your duty to provide all the needed relief to your animals. Barn misting system is a great way to maintain a cooler temperature in barns, it also adds that extra moisture to air which is a boon in a place like Arizona that witness dry air during summer.

Benefits of misting system

Temperature control: The first and foremost advantage of high pressure misting system is that it reduces the outdoor temperature by 20–30 degrees hence provides a cool and comfortable breeze to your animals. The ultra-fine droplets sprinkled by the nozzles doesn’t exactly drips your animal but it provides the adequate amount of moisture to relieve your animals from extreme heat.

Adds moisture: The dry air can cause severe skin problems in animals, the barn misting system provides the right amount of moisture to the animals.

Repels insects: The misting system doesn’t only drop the temperature but it also repels the insects which are unwanted guests in all open spaces. Insects not only annoys your animals but some poisonous insects after biting animals can give rise to serious medical conditions. But you can avoid this worry after installing the misting system.

Filters air: Apart from cooling, the misting system also filters all the dust particles, pollutants and pollens from the air, hence provide a clear and fresh air to your animals.

Prevents odor: The misting system provides more than expected benefits, the barns often stink due to the urine and stool of animals. We often avoid going there because we can’t bear that pungent smell. Barn misting system even resolves this problem, yes along with controlling heat, it also prevents the odor, making the barn a cool and comfortable place for the animals.

So being a responsible owner and humble animal caretaker, it is your duty to provide the best comfort to your animals not only for the sake of business but when you keep good care for them, it will give you a peaceful satisfaction like never before.

