When Marketers Start Getting Real, Fame Is Not Currency, and More

The Many
2 min readOct 11, 2017



Kiss & Tell Podcast #013: It’s not all roses! 2-second ads; fame is not currency; there’s too much content, and all the other real-deal things we are worried about heading into 2018.

by Blake Marquis, Todd Lombardo and Maggie Cadigan

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It’s post-Advertising Week. By acknowledging the challenges facing agencies and marketers, we can get to solving them. Including:

— What happens when P&G marketing chief Marc Pritchard throws down the gauntlet on brand safety, transparency and fraud.

— Condé Nast’s 23 Stories is now a 100-person agency, according to Condé Nast. Is this what brands need? Plus, spend some time on The Scene.

— Check out this still-relevant classic. Positioning: The Battle for your Mind.

— Who is going to watch all this digital content?

— 6-second ads are so yesterday; now it’s about 2-second ads.

Should ads even try to tell stories?

— Lou Paskalis, senior vice president of media and investment for Bank of America, via the Wall Street Journal:

“As an advertiser, I must tell you ads are dead. The future is about things people want, not things they have to endure.”

— Start-up marketers on Facebook: build a brand or build a profit? Is brand notoriety enough? New Coke, Apple Newton, Pets.com are lessons to learn.

RIP Pets.com circa 2000. Fame is not currency.

Thank you for listening. This is Kiss & Tell.

Subscribe, rate and review Kiss & Tell on iTunes, for twice-a-month podcasts on the best about modern advertising and culture.

What shall we discuss next? Email us: kissandtell(at)mistress.agency.

Blake Marquis is a ECD, Partner and Resident Podcaster; Todd Lombardo is a Digital Strategist and Editor, and Maggie Cadigan is a Brand Director at Mistress.



The Many

#WeAreTheMany facing the fundamental unmet need. Ad Age Small Agency of the Year 2018, 2014, and 2011. http://themany.com