Azalea season in Carolina (photo by author)

True Freedom

Misuzu Ocean
2 min readApr 13, 2022


Beyond limitations you will find freedom.

It is true.

People easily think that we have to fight to gain our freedom. Through physical fights, wars, and making some sort of sacrifices… “No pain, no gain.” Like the slogan military put on their wall.

But, this is not true.

This is only what we have been taught ever since we were little kids through hundreds years of generations. We have been taught and informed that freedom is not supposed to come easily.

Yes, you can call it mind control.

“It’s not easy so don’t even think about attain it.” “You are fine where you at.” “Yap, that the way it is.”

And, here we are. We compromised ourselves to live in the limitation bubble. Just to get by everyday following what others are doing. Telling ourselves this is the right way of the happy lifestyle.

The bottom line is this society don’t want us to be free.

They made our grandparents fight in the wars for their benefits and greeds not for every citizen’s freedom. They’ve punished and killed freethinkers. They’ve been trying to keep us in the bubble of limitations, worries, and fears… so that it’s easy to put us under control.

Think about it. Everything in this human world (literally everything) is controlled. The only uncontrolled area is the natural world.

So the question is… Are you going to live without the true freedom for rest of your life?

Me? Oh, hell no. Because I am a spiritual freedom fighter now!

First thing we should do individually is not rebelling or attacking what’s controlling us with weapons.

It all starts with our minds. Ourselves. What’s in our heads. At very individual level.

Don’t look at others. Forget about what others are doing. Just focus on yourself first.

Who are you? What do you want and need physically and emotionally?

How much do you know about yourself? What is your true value and purpose in this lifetime? Do you even know what they are?

And, most importantly… how much do you love yourself?

This is not about becoming selfish. It’s about going inward to the deepest part of yourself. Fighting for freedom is the matter of finding self.

The real freedom is always around us within the reach. But first, you have to become totally free spiritually to reach it.

Then, the rest will follow naturally. You don’t even have to have plans and strategies for now.

Things will start falling into the right spots of your life automatically!



Misuzu Ocean

Just turned 50 feeling fabulous! A mom with deep-thinking habit. Advocate of simple living. All photos are my own.