Apple-FBI. Why is no one talking Win-Win?!

Mitch Ahlenius
3 min readMar 5, 2016


Seriously, we are America! …or are we?

We the People are pretty upset.

password: opensesame

Actually, most don’t care.

Most ‘have nothing to hide’, and would sooner change the channel to who is the latest drumpf of the day than consider that ‘having nothing to hide’ is just a convenient distraction to what really matters.

Who can cast blame when the issues are purposely prescribed as an anesthetic, concealing the consequences by deliberately making it well, boring?

The issues balancing your liberties and freedoms, and FBI Director Comey’s legislative ambitions are held up like a fragile House of Cards with an unelected official wielding unseen powers to prop up his own agenda, and frankly, not near as binge-worthy.

Trust me, I work in tech. I know when you’ve lost someone’s attention.

And you need attention when something this complex threatens a deficit that is much more than monetary, and in fact threatens freedoms that are difficult to fathom because our modern freedoms are still yet in their infancy: just a few hundred years old. We liberated Black people only just a few decades ago. We are really only just getting started…right? RIGHT? We need to adjust our timescales.

This, while Level 1 Ai capabilities are evolving overnight creating much larger implications than what are currently in view, making the consequences of this case difficult to measure and fully appreciate.

Given that we don’t have Margot Robbie in a bubble-bath here to explain Artificial Intelligence just yet, we’ll table that discussion for now. (If you haven’t seen The Big Short, yet, please do so. The parallels are pernicious; the consequences no less dire….and did he say ‘bubble-bath’?)

Nonetheless, it’s concerning that after weeks of doors being shut all the way from Congress to Cupertino, frost-bitten emails, and Ms. & Mr. “It’s office policy not to give out our names,” that a conversation regarding opening a pretty big damn door is being blocked by principals and their staffers.

Thank God for an alternative Medium. #blessup

(Which, by the way, if it’s a Senator’s office policy to not disclose names, then why don’t I have the right to decide my policies?!) We’re not talking rocket science here. We’re talking common sense. We’re talking first day of kindergarten.

And the powers that be are not dumb. These guys are wicked smart. I actually have huge respect for a lot of what these people do and the raw strength of intellect most of them have, but there is a dangerous amount of hubris — or something else — in the air, when really we need to be transcending personal perspectives and agendas.

It’s remarkable that the ones saying both sides can win are ‘the crazy ones’.

In a case with so much to lose, be it by way of a terrorist or a back door, why are so many oblivious to the obvious ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM at stake. (Consider for a moment the imminent black hole of leadership which no majority trusts up for election this year — who, let’s not forget, will be the heirs of this most unprecedented power) in this case.

So, with anvil-on-the-Constitution precedential decisions at stake, we wanted to give people a way to speak LOUDER, so that messages didn’t have to be so encrypted.

Win-Win’s exist. Share them. #thisdecisionmatters

by Mitch Ahlenius

p.s. Please excuse the political incorrectness

Actually, don’t.

If you’d like to sign your support alongside us please visit: — ( link to open letter petition)


“Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.” — Reinhold Niebuhr, ironically, a subject of Director Comey’s senior thesis.

“The truth is like poetry — And most people fucking hate poetry,”— Overheard in a Washington D.C. bar … Michael Lewis, author of The Big Short

