My Simple Study Tool

Mitchell Skapski
2 min readMar 28, 2018


Developing a study strategy that is effective can be a big struggle. I for one had struggled with preparing for exams and wanted a more successful strategy that suited my learning style. It wasn’t until grade 6 my preparation for exams was exposed through very poor report cards. My mom immediately sat me down and took a course of action. She had introduced me to a method she had utilized throughout her education. Simply writing the term on one side of the card and the definition/meaning on the other side. Continuing this process for all terms created an entire study guide at the palm of your hands. This was extremely convenient for myself as I would constantly be on the go with sports and could take the transportable deck of cards on the road without the hassle of a binder. I continued this useful method throughout high school and would eventually carry it over to post-secondary. But after experiencing my first reading week and writing out 50 Q cards for one class I realized the stack of information was significantly greater. I knew this simple study method had to have already been developed into an app; eliminating the tangible Q cards.

After a quick search, I came across Quizlet. A “freemium app” which is essentially an app that is free but only a lite version is accessible until premium fees are payed. This was no concern to me as the simple Flash card strategy was offered In the lite version. Above I have attacthed a demo of the app; simply select how you prefer to view the Flash cards wether you want to write out the terms and definitions or mix and match. Not only has this app/tool saved me money on Q cards but has ultimately created efficiency to my effective study strategy.

