Mitchell Gray
May 25, 2024

Visceral Manipulation (Revised Edition) By Jean-Pierre Barral

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“Osteopathy and other systems of manual medicine have developed a variety of models for understanding the mechanics of proper and improper motion of the musculoskeletal system. In this important and pioneering work, that same structural vision is applied to the visceral system. The central premise of ‘Visceral Manipulation’ is that the interrelationship of structure and function among the internal organs is at least as strong as that among the constituents of the musculoskeletal system; and that, like the musculoskeletal system, manipulation of the viscera can be beneficially used in the treatment of a wide variety of problems affecting any of the body’s systems.” — Publisher description.

Mitchell Gray

A curious mind on a journey of learning and sharing. Passionate about uncovering the world's wonders and inspiring others.