We are Blockchains

Mitchell Valentine
2 min readJul 13, 2020


The universe is basically a giant PoW, PoR and PoS blockchain network and resolving the forks is basically how it works. Things are uncertain until they have a certain number of confirmations.

Does it resolve forks by eliminating them?

Well it’s more like you have a version of truth (personal blockchain), and I have one too. When we run into each other we check to see which things are actually true and which things seem to be incorrect (node validation). We work out which version seems to be true and then that merges together to form the new truth (transaction confirmation).

Where we think people are cheating we throw out that information or mark it as dishonest (consensus). The trick is how much we trust each other. This is usually built on the number of times we have been honest in the past with each other (Proof of Relationship).

We are also doing this with all the other people (nodes) in the world (network). Therefore part of why I trust your chain of truth is because of the other people you are connected to and have been confirming with (decentralized consensus).

There are a few ways of validating the truth. For example, evaluating its complexity and completeness (longest chain), the difficulty of discovering it (Proof of Work) or the amount of value it has created in the world (Proof of Stake). But at the end of the day it’s all about how much we trust each other, and how much we change each other’s blockchains.

Karma, is therefore, the way our personal blockchains interact in the universe and how they resolve with the other chains. Perhaps DNA is merely the physical encoding of our chain?

Thank you Steven Wolfram for inspiring this idea. Your recent presentation with IOHK at the Cardano summit helped me to see the connection between our physical universe and the emergence of blockchain technology.

Mitch Valentine



Mitchell Valentine
Mitchell Valentine

Written by Mitchell Valentine

I'm a technologist, community builder, and creator of interesting things. I enjoy puzzles, learning, and complex ideas. The cooler and weirder the better.

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