Introduction to Lexical Analysis: What it is and How it Works

Mitch Huang
4 min readMay 26, 2023


Are you ready to dive into the world of lexical analysis and unlock its secrets? Buckle up, grab a cup of coffee (or a preferred beverage of your choice), and let’s get started! This wild ride through the world of lexical analysis will take you from understanding what it is to implementing it in a programming language. But before we hit the gas, let’s set the stage with a brief overview of what lexical analysis is all about.

Lexical analysis, also known as tokenization, is the process of breaking down a stream of text into its smallest meaningful units, called tokens. Think of it like dissecting a sentence into its individual words, and then categorizing those words as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and so on. The same concept applies in lexical analysis, except the tokens can be more specific, like keywords, identifiers, operators, and more.

So, why should you care about lexical analysis? Well, for starters, it’s an important part of the compiler design process. Compilers use lexical analysis to convert human-readable code into a form that a computer can understand and execute.

Now that you have the background, let’s get down to the fun stuff! Get ready to understand how lexical analysis works, learn how to implement it in a programming language, and explore some advanced topics that will make you a lexical analysis pro. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!

The Role of Lexical Analysis in Compiler Design

Lexical analysis is an important component of the compiler design process. It plays a crucial role in the front-end of the compiler, where it is responsible for breaking down the source code into smaller, more manageable units called lexemes. These lexemes serve as the building blocks for the next phase of the compiler design process, called syntax analysis.

The main purpose of lexical analysis is to perform a preliminary analysis of the source code, checking for any lexical errors or issues before they can cause more serious problems later in the compiler design process. This includes checking for things like incorrect spelling, incorrect punctuation, and other errors that could impact the readability of the source code.

Lexical analysis is an essential component of compiler design as it acts as a filter for the source code, ensuring that only valid, well-formed code is passed along to the next phase of the compiler design process.

Implementing Lexical Analysis

Lexical analysis, also known as tokenization, is a crucial step in compiler design, where a program’s source code is transformed into a sequence of tokens, or meaningful units. The purpose of lexical analysis is to recognize the fundamental elements of a language, such as keywords, identifiers, and punctuation, and to convert them into a form that is easier for the compiler to process.

Implementing lexical analysis involves writing a lexical analyzer, also known as a lexer or scanner, which scans the input text and recognizes the tokens. The lexer uses regular expressions or finite automata to define patterns for recognizing tokens, and outputs the recognized tokens in the form of a token stream.


For example, in Python, the following code implements a simple lexical analyzer for a calculator:

import re

def tokenize(input_str):
tokens = []
for match in re.finditer(r'\d+|[+\-*/()]', input_str):
return tokens

print(tokenize("1 + 2"))
# Output: ['1', '+', '2']

This code uses the re module to define a regular expression for recognizing integers and arithmetic operators, and then uses the finditer function to find all the matches in the input string. The recognized tokens are appended to the tokens list, which is returned as the final result.


def lexer(input_string):
# List to store the tokens
tokens = []
# Remove whitespaces from the input string
input_string = input_string.strip()
# Initialize a variable to keep track of the current position in the input string
current_position = 0
# Loop through the input string
while current_position < len(input_string):
# Get the current character
current_char = input_string[current_position]
# Check if the current character is a digit
if current_char.isdigit():
# Initialize a variable to store the current number
current_number = ''
# Loop through the input string until a non-digit character is found
while current_position < len(input_string) and input_string[current_position].isdigit():
current_number += input_string[current_position]
current_position += 1
# Add the current number to the list of tokens
tokens.append(('number', int(current_number)))
# Check if the current character is an operator
elif current_char in ['+', '-', '*', '/']:
# Add the current operator to the list of tokens
tokens.append(('operator', current_char))
current_position += 1
# If the current character is not a digit or an operator, it is considered an error
raise Exception('Invalid character: {}'.format(current_char))
# Return the list of tokens
return tokens

# Test the lexer function
input_string = '1 + 2 * 3'
# Output: [('number', 1), ('operator', '+'), ('number', 2), ('operator', '*'), ('number', 3)]

In this example, the lexer function takes an input string as an argument and returns a list of tokens. The input string is first stripped of whitespaces and then processed character by character. If the current character is a digit, it is added to the current number until a non-digit character is found. If the current character is an operator, it is added to the list of tokens as is. If the current character is neither a digit nor an operator, an exception is raised.


Lexical analysis is an important part of compiler design, which is responsible for breaking the input source code into meaningful elements known as tokens.

The tokens are then used as input for the next phase of compiler design, syntax analysis. Implementing lexical analysis requires a strong understanding of regular expressions, finite automata, and pattern recognition.

With the right tools and techniques, it’s possible to build efficient and robust lexical analyzers that can accurately process large amounts of source code.



Mitch Huang

I'm a engineer who loves simplifying complex ideas. I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong learner. When I'm not coding, you can find me at a local coffee shop.