
5 min readJun 27, 2018


*I do not own the rights to this GIF*


Crawling up your arm as you look at the rain on your window. The smell of moisture in the air as the gods cry from above.


You hold it there for a moment, not wanting to let the moment slip away. The dusk grey sky and the rhythm of the rain hitting your window.

What is this? It starts from the center of your chest and moves its way down your stomach and spreads through your body like lightning. Slowly taking course over your body you feel it lull your brain to feel fuzzy and you tongue goes numb. This feeling is familiar, you know you’ve felt it before, but its still shocking every time you encounter this.


Escaping your lips as you exhale, the warm breath that meets the cold air and instantly turns to a cloud. Your nose is cold but the rest of your body is warm. Cozy even. Repeating clouds exit your lips more frequently. Your breathing fast, and your heart races. Its beautiful. The frozen sky water covers the mountains in the distance, and cloaks the valley below.

Deep Inhale.

You hold it there again, capturing this moment, not wanting to lose this memory that would stick with you.. forever. The shimmering snow glistens in the daylight. Untouched, un-tainted. Pure beauty is in the air. Its almost as if the thick sheet of snow over the city has caused a calm. Its not busy, not rushing, alternatively, its calm and quiet. The whole world seems at a hush.

Your heart flutters. You feel as if you could sit here and lie in the snow forever. You want time to stand still, right here, right now.

What is this? This feeling warms your whole body. A feeling of safety maybe? Words can’t explain the striking feeling the scenic beauty the world was giving you. If the world had a soul? This would be its peace of mind.


Flooding the sides of the tall buildings that tower over you. The day has just begun, as you feel the warmth touch the back of your neck.


Yet again, You feel the day creeping its way into your life today. Every minute that goes by, the vibrant sun finds more room to dance inch by inch on the buildings surrounding the city.

It starts in your head this time. A rushing, buzzing, begins. Ideas and aspirations for life start exploding in your head. You can feel the inspiration bleeding through every crevice of your mind. Its invigorating, its exciting all at once.

What is this? The feeling makes you just want to .. run. Run and never stop. You don’t know where you’re going but you don’t want to stop. Do you really need a destination? Then, you realize where and why you’re running. You want to run to these idea’s some how. You want to run to the place where all this inspiration is evolving.


70 MPH. Your driving along earths physical curves and stretches. God’s well thought out landscapes are what your watching fly by in an instant. Its beauty in a snapshot, but that’s quickly replaced by inches of new beauty over and over again.


You force your-self to let out air that’s hard to believe you have in your lungs. The quick continuous panoramic, takes your breath away with every 10 ft you pass.


Your heart is pumping as fast as you’re driving. The feeling of adventure, longing, and yearning to see the next mile, all in one. Your mind explode’s with ‘what if’s’ and your suddenly addicted to the speed. The car, your heart, your thoughts. Racing, all together, like they were meant to run together. Like life’s own nervous system gaining ambition and excitement to look forward to dreaming.

What is this? It starts at your finger tips and shoots down your fingers to meet in the middle of your palm. Rhythmic pulsating jolts of energy pierce you in the center of your palm, and heart. Like the speed of the car, thoughts and now the jolts of energy are all working together forming a blood flow where you, your dreams and the world are all connected.

If the world had a soul, these roads would be her nervous system.


Sun disappears behind the topographical hills and dips. You see the little flows of light running back to where they came from, leaving the world feeling, exhausted. The heat remains in the air, as the humidity stands still, yet slowly dropping temperature. The sky turns from a piercing blue, to a burnt orange and eventually deep purple. The day is at its end.


You hold in the warm sun-kissed air and exhale, letting it go run along with the baby sunbeams as the sun retrieves them.


Little bursts of celestial brightness break through the deep cobalt sky. For once, you feel so small. Galaxies and worlds apart from the next planet that we don’t even know exist yet, but you know they do. Somewhere out there on another planet was a girl just like you looking up at the same sky. Realizing there are thousands and thousands of planets, stars, galaxies, and equivalent milky ways millions and millions of miles apart. Millions and millions of people on thousands of different planets and here you are, on your select one.


Like an insect inside of a card board box and these bursts of brightness are like the holes punched in the top of the box for you to have air. What is this? A feeling of unique individuality. Down to the very cell you were made unique with your tiny finger prints you feel one of a kind. The pattern of air that you breath, the way you walk, the words that come out of your mouth, your thoughts, dreams and aspirations. Your talents, your blood that you bleed and the tears that you cry. Unique, Individuality. If the world had a soul? This part would be the mind.

What is this feeling?





“Do One Thing A Day That Scares You” — Eleanor Roosevelt.