Telecommuting As A Civil Right: The PORT Petition

Mitch Turck
The Whimper
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2019


It might surprise some of you to learn that I prance around in areas of mobility other than autonomous vehicles — then again, those of you who’ve been reading my stuff for a while know my AV advocacy isn’t based on some awkward lust over the tech itself, but rather the opportunity it presents to press the reset button on how we think about transportation.

Of course, there are several ways to press that button… and if I were asked to do it in the fastest, cheapest way possible, it would involve transportation avoidance. So, that’s what I’m doing.

Introducing a petition to make telecommuting a civil right: the Proof Of Required Travel Act, or PORT.

The crux of the bill is short and sweet:

An employer may not require any employee to travel into a work site, nor may it make an employment decision due to an employee’s refusal to travel into a work site, unless the employer can prove requirement of travel due to one of the following conditions:

  1. Telecommuting would render the employee unable to perform



Mitch Turck
The Whimper

Future of work, future of mobility, future of ice cream.