Green Hydrogen Breakthrough: Innovations in Water Electrolysis Catalysts Pave the Way for Sustainable Energy

Mike L
3 min readNov 5, 2023

The pursuit of sustainable energy has reached a significant milestone with groundbreaking research in the field of water electrolysis. A research collaboration between Professor Yong-Tae Kim and Kyu-Su Kim at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) has revealed a promising path forward for the development of catalysts for green hydrogen production. This pivotal study was recently featured as the cover article in ACS Catalysis, shedding light on innovative ways to overcome the challenges associated with eco-friendly hydrogen generation.

Revolutionizing Green Hydrogen Production

Water electrolysis is a key technology for producing hydrogen from water, a process known for its environmental friendliness due to its minimal carbon dioxide emissions. However, the use of precious metal catalysts, particularly iridium (Ir), has hindered the widespread adoption of this technology by making it economically unfeasible. The crux of the issue lies in developing efficient and cost-effective catalysts, potentially in the form of metal alloys.

Exploring the Catalyst Landscape

In the realm of water electrolysis catalysis, iridium, ruthenium (Ru), and osmium (Os) have been under close scrutiny. Iridium, while exceptionally stable, falls short in terms of activity and comes with a hefty price tag. Ruthenium, on the other hand, offers commendable activity and a more budget-friendly alternative to iridium, albeit with slightly less stability.

Osmium introduces an intriguing dynamic to the mix, as it readily dissolves under various electrochemical conditions, leading to the creation of nanostructures with an expanded electrochemical active surface area. This unique characteristic enhances the geometrical activity of catalysts.

Combining Strengths: Catalyst Innovations

The research team embarked on a journey to combine the strengths of iridium and ruthenium. Their innovative approach successfully retained and improved upon the desirable attributes of both metals, leading to catalysts that exhibited enhanced activity and stability. Incorporating osmium into the equation further heightened activity by leveraging the expanded electrochemical active surface area achieved through nanostructure formation.

However, a critical turning point emerged when all three metals were integrated. While activity experienced a moderate increase, the dissolution of osmium posed challenges, compromising the structural integrity of iridium and ruthenium. Agglomeration and corrosion of nanostructures accelerated, ultimately affecting the overall catalytic performance.

Charting the Path Ahead: A Call for Collaboration

This groundbreaking research not only provides answers but also raises critical questions. It emphasizes the need for a comprehensive metric, known as the activity-stability factor, capable of simultaneously evaluating activity and stability — a metric pioneered by Kim’s research group in 2017. The team encourages the retention of superior catalyst properties even after the formation of nanostructures to maximize the electrochemical active surface area.

This study underscores the significance of selecting candidate materials that synergize effectively when alloyed with other metals. It’s a call for collaboration, a push for innovative catalyst design that paves the way for sustainable and efficient water electrolysis.

Professor Yong-Tae Kim firmly believes that this research marks the beginning of an ongoing journey, not its conclusion. His vision is clear: to continue developing efficient water electrolysis catalysts based on the valuable insights gained from this groundbreaking research.

Join the Conversation: What’s Your Vision for Sustainable Energy?

As the world progresses toward sustainable energy solutions, we’re all part of this transformative journey. What are your thoughts on catalyst development for green hydrogen production? How can we foster innovation and accelerate the shift to a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape? Share your insights and be part of the change.

Innovate, collaborate, and build a future where sustainable energy knows no bounds. Together, we can make it happen. 🌱💡 #GreenHydrogen #CleanEnergy #SustainableInnovation



Mike L

Mike has experience in teaching many engineering concepts. Connect with me on linkedin (