I work as CTO at Signicat enabling digital trust soluton that remove bureaucracy and admin, enable new busnuesse and remove paper bouncing around.

Before this I worked as director for Klarna to make smooth buying products and level up the customer experience for both our merchant and direct customers.

I write some articles on tech and leadership here on Medium and also on https://twitter.com/mitemitreski as well as more misc topics on www.mitemitreski.com 

Before moving to Sweden, I ran Java User Group Macedonia (JugMK), building the community and developing the event scene. The first book that I co-authored is called HTML 5 Data and Services Cookbook . I tend to have varied interests, so I was a lecturer for programming courses for a while. Sometimes I speak at conferences and universities about topics I work with and find interesting. If you have some interesting topics you think I would be good to talk about, reach out. While back in Macedonia, I was involved in local software communities like hacklab KIKA and the Macedonian section of IEEE.

Medium member since September 2022
Connect with Mite Mitreski
Mite Mitreski

Mite Mitreski

Book Author

Father, Builder and CTO @signicat. follow on https://twitter.com/mitemitreski or ↯