Basics of Cloud Deployment-Models

mitesh Jha
4 min readJul 18, 2020


Earlier I have explained Basics of cloud computing. In this we are going to know about the deployment models of cloud computing.

What is Deployment Model?

Deployment model is a precise configuration of environment parameters i.e. the ownership & accessibility of the deployment infrastructure and storage capacity. It means that deployment types fluctuate depending upon who controls the infrastructure and where it exists.

An organisation should choose the best-fit model. To choose one, we should consider the requirements of infrastructure, computing, networking and storage demands, available resources and business goals, as well as the pros and cons of deployment models, to make the benefits of this computing type.

Categories Of Deployment Model?

Deployment Model mainly divided into 4 categories.

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Community Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud
Types of Cloud Deployment Models

Public Cloud

This type of model is provided on a network for general or public use. We have no control over the location of the infrastructure. Infrastructure belongs to service providers that manage them and responsible for pool resources, that is why there is no need for customer to buy and maintain their hardware. Service providers offer resources for free of charge or on a pay-per-use basis through the Internet. Customer can scale resources when required.

These models in the cloud are perfect for organisations with growing, fluctuating demands and non-sensitive data.

Some of the public cloud providers are Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM cloud,Salesforce Heroku and others.

Advantages of Public cloud

Scalability :- We can easily increase the infrastructure as requirements increase. Low cost :- We only pay for what we use.No need to invest in infrastructure.

Dis-Advantages of Public cloud

Less Secure :- We don’t know where our data is stored and who all can access it. Less Customisation :-As our infrastructure is maintained by service provider ,if we want to change some specific need basis than public cloud is less customisable.

Private Cloud

As the name suggests this type of model is provided on a network that only one specific organisation owns it. Resources are not shared with other organisations, that means that the organisation using it is entirely responsible for its management, maintenance of the infrastructure.It is more expensive than public ones. It is also Known as ‘Internal Cloud’.

Private clouds permit only authorized users, providing the organisations greater control over data and its security.

This model is recommended for organisations that have high-security requirements.

Some of the public cloud providers i.e. Amazon , Microsoft Azure, IBM cloud, Red Hat, Cisco and others also provides private cloud.

Advantages of Private cloud

Security:- Better security and privacy as resources are not shared with others. Reliability :- We have more control over the infrastructure resources. Customisation :-As our infrastructure is maintained by us ,if we want to change some specific need basis than private cloud is more customisable than the public ones.

Dis-Advantages of Public cloud

Accessibility : It can be easily accessed locally within the boundaries of organisation ,but is significantly more difficult to access it from remote locations. High-cost :- An Organisation is responsible for the infrastructure that takes a significant amount on maintenance and training of staff.

Community Cloud

It is another type of model in which the setup of the cloud is shared mutually among different organisations that belong to a particular community or area such as banks, government organisations etc.

Community members generally having similar computing concern such as privacy, performance, and security. This type of deployment model of cloud computing is managed and hosted internally or by a third-party vendor.

This model is recommended for joint business organisations, ventures, research organisations etc.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud is a composition of the best features of the above-mentioned deployment models public, private and community ones.

For an example, an organisation can balance its load by locating sensitive information on a private cloud and deploying non sensitive information to a public one.

This model is recommended only when organisations can split their data into mission-critical and non-sensitive.

Some of the hybrid cloud providers are Microsoft, VMware, Amazon Web Services, H.P. , IBM, Cisco, Dell and others.

Advantages of Hybrid cloud :-

Security:-It has improved security and privacy as compared to the private cloud. Cost:- As we are using combination of the public and private it will be less costly than the private cloud. We can get the infrastructure at a reasonable cost.

Dis-Advantages of Hybrid cloud

Integration :-Data and application integration can be challenging when building a hybrid cloud.

