The Value Stick Framework: Creating Value for All Stakeholders

4 min readOct 27, 2023


The value stick framework is a simple yet powerful tool for creating value for all stakeholders in a business. It is based on the premise that value is created when the willingness to pay (WTP) of customers exceeds the willingness to sell (WTS) of suppliers.

The four levers of the value stick are:

  • Willingness to pay (WTP): The maximum amount that a customer is willing to pay for a product or service.
  • Price: The amount that a customer actually pays for a product or service.
  • Cost: The amount that a company spends to produce a product or service.
  • Willingness to sell (WTS): The minimum amount that a supplier is willing to accept for a product or service.

These levers, when appropriately influenced, form the bedrock of value creation for all stakeholders involved. The key premise is that for a business to thrive sustainably, it must adhere to the condition: WTP > Price > Cost > WTS. This ensures that value is accrued at every step of the transaction.

  • Value Created = WTP — WTS
  • Customer Delight = WTP — Price
  • Supplier Satisfaction = Cost — WTS

The value stick can be used to create value in a number of ways. For example, a company can increase the WTP of customers by offering products or services that are unique, innovative, or of high quality. A company can also decrease the WTS of suppliers by building strong relationships with them and by negotiating favorable terms.

Source: The Economic Times

Ideas to create Customer-Delight

  • Offer discounts for loyalty or bulk purchases.
  • Provide free shipping or gift wrapping.
  • Create a sense of community around your brand.
  • Offer excellent customer service.
  • Go the extra mile to meet customer needs.

Ideas to create Supplier-Satisfaction

  • Pay suppliers on time and in full.
  • Offer long-term contracts.
  • Provide feedback and support.
  • Promote your suppliers on your website and social media channels.
  • Work with suppliers to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Creating Value for Employees: Nurturing the Human Capital

A business’s most valuable asset is its human capital. To foster a culture of value creation, it is imperative to prioritize the well-being and growth of employees. Here are key strategies:

  • Competitive Salaries and Benefits: Offering compensation packages that reflect market standards; Providing comprehensive benefits to support employee well-being.
  • Training and Development Opportunities: Investing in continuous learning and skill enhancement; Offering mentorship programs to foster professional growth.
  • Positive and Supportive Work Environment: Cultivating a workplace culture that encourages collaboration and innovation; Prioritizing employee mental and physical well-being.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledging and celebrating employee contributions; Implementing a robust rewards system that appreciates excellence.

In the pursuit of optimizing margins, businesses often contemplate reducing compensation costs. However, this approach may prove counter-intuitive in the long run, potentially leading to a dissatisfied workforce. It is imperative to recognize that the true driver of value creation lies in the realm of employee satisfaction. By cultivating an environment that nurtures contented employees, businesses pave the way for innovative breakthroughs, ultimately elevating the Willingness to Pay (WTP) and fortifying the foundation of sustained success.

Beyond Monetary Value: Crafting Positive Experiences

Value creation transcends monetary transactions. It extends to the experience and sentiment associated with the brand. By instilling a sense of trust, community, and purpose, businesses can elevate their value proposition to new heights.

It is important to note that the value stick is a dynamic framework. The WTP, price, cost, and WTS can all change over time. As a result, it is important for companies to continuously monitor these levers and make adjustments to their strategy as needed.

Here are some examples of how companies are using the value stick framework to create value for all stakeholders:

  • Amazon: Amazon creates value for customers by offering a wide selection of products at competitive prices, convenient shipping options, and excellent customer service. Amazon also creates value for suppliers by providing them with a large platform to sell their products and by offering them competitive terms.
  • Apple: Apple creates value for customers by offering innovative products that are of high quality. Apple also creates value for its suppliers by working closely with them to develop new products and by offering them long-term contracts.
  • Google: Google creates value for customers by offering a variety of free and easy-to-use online services. Google also creates value for its advertisers by providing them with a targeted platform to reach potential customers.

The value stick framework is a valuable tool for any company that wants to create a sustainable business strategy. By focusing on creating value for all stakeholders, companies can build strong relationships with their customers, suppliers, and employees. This can lead to increased profits, market share, and customer loyalty.

Additional thoughts on the Value Stick Framework

  • The value stick framework can be used to create value in any industry, regardless of the size of the company.
  • The value stick framework is not a one-time solution. Companies need to continuously monitor the levers of the value stick and make adjustments to their strategy as needed.
  • The value stick framework can be used to develop new products and services, improve existing products and services, and optimize pricing strategies.
  • The value stick framework can also be used to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns and other strategic initiatives.

Overall, the value stick framework is a powerful tool for creating value for all stakeholders in a business. By focusing on the four levers of the value stick, companies can build strong relationships with their customers, suppliers, and employees, which can lead to increased profits, market share, and customer loyalty.




everything business: pricing, gtm, metric, product and profit