More girls on “Quit 9–5 job and follow passion” — Solo Female Travel Bloggers who quit their jobs and started Traveling

Mithun Nath
5 min readJan 23, 2017


Your 9–5 jobs are killing your time. I know that you absolutely know this heck, but the only thing which keeps you away from your passion is the money, or may be some other reason.

But, I’m damn sure that money is the key reason in most cases.

How I came to write this article?

People have different passions such as backpacking, cooking, cars etc. When it comes to me, I’m really passionate about Blogging, I don’t know why.

I have been blogging since 2012 and the worst thing is that it hadn’t been a profitable thing to me until last year. But, I never gave up on blogging because, it wasn’t a way to make money for me. It was my passion.

I didn’t even know that I could make money from a Blog when I started my first blog.

That is what I’m saying, I didn’t expect hundreds of thousands from my blog. It gave me huge satisfaction when I see the number of visitors are growing up day by day. I found happiness in that.

We live to Learn

I always search online to find new blogs in different niches. I’m really interested to see what other bloggers are doing and try to learn from them. Recently, I was stumbled upon a couple of blogs which had something in common.

Of course, all of them had the same niche — backpacking and traveling around the world and secondly, all of them are girls.

But, that was not the coincidence. All these bloggers had faced a common trouble in their earlier life which was their 9–5 jobs. They really wanted to get rid of their jobs and start following their dreams.

Finally, they did it. They quit their full-time jobs and started traveling around the world.

I always try to find time to read their blog posts as I’m also passionate about traveling. I know that I’m far away from being a full-time travel blogger but, I will make it happen one day.

The way they did things were also same. They worked so hard and saved for the future to stay out of financial distractions on their ways.

If you have a passion towards backpacking and traveling, I suggest you to read what these girls are saying. You will learn a lot about traveling and how to spend and save money on the roads.

I Quit my job and sold everything I owned and bought a one way flight ticket, say good bye

I know, this may sounds crazy. You don’t really have to quit your job or sell everything you own, to travel. But, these girls are a bit crazy about that.

Anita Dhake —

For me, Anita Dhake is number one in the list. She worked so hard and saved for her future and retired when she was just 33 which was unbelievable to me when I heard it for the first time, from a featured article at Forbes.

Her story will motivate you for sure.

She was a Chicago based Lawyer who made a decision to retire from her profession once she could save at least $450,000 and that journey ended up on a savings of $700,000 and retired when she was 33.

The coolest thing is that all of it started from a $100,000 in student loan debt which was really inspirational to me.

If you love traveling, or if you really want to get rid of your 9–5 and follow your passion, this is the first person you should listen to.

Gabriela —

This is Gabriela and she started backpacking in 2016 after quitting her job and sold everything she owned.

There is a reason behind I started following her blog posts. She wrote an article about the bad days she had gone through in Madagascar during her travel.

She got robbed in the public and lost her phone and thankfully she didn’t lose any other valuables such as credit cards or anything like that, as she was expected this in Madagascar.

This must be a lesson to all travellers out there, especially solo female travellers.

Helen —

Helen is a Travel Blogger from United Kingdom, started traveling in 2009 after quitting her full-time job and started exploring from Africa.

She started her blog in 2013 and ended upon an idea of starting her own tour company which offers something a bit different that the other tours out there.

What she is trying to offer through her company is, adventurous and fun flash packing trips mixed with immersive cultural experiences.

One thing that I’m really interested is the pictures that she is posting on her blog posts. It is clear that she loves what she is doing.

Shivya Nath —

Shivya is an Indian born girl who really wanted to get rid of her corporate life and go after her dream which was traveling around the world and finally, she made it.

She started her journey in 2011 at the age of 23 and finally she started making a full-time income from Blogging which is inspirational.

In 2013 she was rewarded as India’s Best Travel Blogger at the Indian Travel Blogging Awards.

In Conclusion

I have a passion and I really love doing it every day if I could, and above all, I’m what I’m when I follow my passion — This is true for all of us.

Your passion — whatever it may be, always try to find some time to follow it, otherwise you are wasting your time in the earth.



Mithun Nath

A Web/Mobile Developer by Profession, a Blogger by Passion and Write blog posts at