Sell Your Stuff — Create And Sell Your Own Products

Mithun Vaghella
4 min readNov 25, 2019


Create And Sell Your Own Products

Among lots of ways to do business online, you can choose to sell your stuff on the web. You can create your own products, or sell items that you buy or acquire in other ways. There are many options to get hold of products to sell if you don’t want to make them yourself.

Selling Digital Products
The items that are the easiest to make as well as to sell, are digital products. There is no need for handling or shipping digital goods and no need for keeping stock. In addition, the selling process can be set up to run on autopilot. This makes it very convenient to sell your stuff online these days.

Informational products like ebooks, tutorials, recipes, etc. are very popular and easy to sell on the internet. These are also the product types that are ‘doable’ to create for most people. Software, for example, requires more technical skills to produce.

Sell Your Knowledge
Most people have one or more areas they are passionate about and have lots of knowledge and maybe even education in. But very few ever consider turning their knowledge and expertise into a profitable business.

No matter what your passion is, or in what field you are an expert, there are lots of people on the globe that will be interested in your information. If you make an e-book on a topic you have great knowledge about, there most likely will be thousands of people worldwide who are interested in that specific topic, to whom you can sell your stuff.

Minimum Costs
Creating an e-book or another piece of informational content is very cost-effective (unless you have someone write your book for you). You can write the e-book in a word processor, and then turn it into a PDF file.

There are several tools available that can help you with this; one that I use myself is It has a word processor very similar to Microsoft’s Word. When your e-book is finished, you can just export it as a PDF-file from within the program, which is very convenient. Then you can upload it to your web server, ready for selling.

If you are on a low budget, you don’t need to spend money on advertising. You can sell your stuff from your website and attract visitors (potential customers) with free methods. It takes more time and work than with advertising, but you don’t have to spend any money.

The only expenditure you will need to have to make money with your own e-book like this is web hosting and a domain name.

Other Use Of Written Content
Writing and selling e-books has great earnings potential, depending on the topic and the quality of the written content, of course. There are other ways you can use e-books and other content-pieces in your online business, besides selling them.

For example, you can include them as bonuses for other offers you make. Or you can use them as a ‘bribe’ to get people to join your email list or an extra incentive in any joint ventures, you might pursue. The options are many.

Outsourcing Product Creation
If you have more money than time, you may consider buying ready-made products with resale rights or outsource the writing of your e-book. Or you might feel that you don’t have the necessary skills to write an e-book — then you can have a ghostwriter create an e-book according to your directions.

There are several online services that link employers and freelancers, making it easy to find skillful writers that can do the job for you. Then you can sell your stuff without having to create it yourself. Here are a few goods, reliable outsourcing services:

Buying Ready-To-Sell Products
A second option is to buy a ready-made product with resell rights, which you can sell as your own stuff. Many of these products are made so that you can put your name on it if you like, and sell it as your own product. Such products are usually quite inexpensive; however, there will be more people than yourself selling the same stuff.

So, you can sell your stuff online without having to create your own products, there are plenty of other ways to acquire items that you can sell as your own, and keep all the money. The really good thing with e-books and other digital products is that the whole selling process can be automated.

Keep in mind that when you sell products, it’s a good idea to redirect leads (potential customers) to a squeeze page and not directly to your sales page. You will want to do this to capture their email addresses so you can send follow-up emails later, and sell your stuff and even promote other products to your list of subscribers.

