Crypto Trading on $TON network. Automate your trading with TON Trading Bot!

4 min readJun 16, 2024


Ton Trading Bot is a sophisticated algorithmic trading platform that automates the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies on the TON platform. It integrates with the DEX platform on TON and offers several features designed to empower traders and streamline the trading process. Key features include:

  1. Professional Sniper Bot: Utilizes private nodes for secure trading and provides real-time updates on cryptocurrency charts.
  2. Lightning Speed Swap: Ensures fast and secure transactions.
  3. Security: Uses decentralized cloud data management for reliability and private transactions to minimize losses.
  4. Direct Referral System: Allows users to earn passive income by referring other traders.
  5. Staking: Users can stake TonTradingBot’s stable tokens to earn passive income without trading.
  6. Flat UI Easy To Use: Provides an intuitive interface for both new and advanced users.

The bot offers a five-level referral system, where users can earn commissions up to 50% of trading fees. It is designed to provide a seamless and feature-rich platform for trading on TON, fostering a community of informed and empowered traders.


The main advantages of using Ton Trading Bot for cryptocurrency trading include:

  1. Speed and Precision: The bot operates at lightning speed, executing trades quickly and accurately, allowing traders to capitalize on market opportunities without delay.
  2. Disciplined Trading: The bot adheres strictly to the parameters set by the trader, eliminating impulsive decisions and ensuring consistent trading.
  3. Efficiency and Multi-tasking: The bot can manage multiple trades simultaneously, making it ideal for diversifying portfolios or income streams.
  4. Risk Management: The bot includes advanced risk management features such as stop-loss and take-profit orders, protecting investments in the volatile cryptocurrency market.
  5. 24/7 Trading: The bot operates continuously, allowing traders to participate in the market at any time, even when they are asleep or offline.
  6. Emotionless Trading: The bot eliminates human emotions from the trading process, reducing the risk of irrational decisions.
  7. Backtesting: The bot allows users to backtest their strategies, optimizing them for increased profitability.

These features make Ton Trading Bot a powerful tool for cryptocurrency traders, enabling them to streamline their trading process, maximize profits, and minimize losses.


Ton Trading Bot Tutorial

1. Wallet Setup

  • The Ton Trading Bot offers a convenient wallet creation feature, allowing users to easily create one or more wallets with just one click.
  • - Each wallet created will have a wallet address and 24 secret keywords, which users should keep safe to prevent scammers from accessing their funds.
  • - Existing TON wallet users can also integrate their existing wallets with the Ton Trading Bot.

2. Trading with Ton Trading Bot

  • The core feature of the Ton Trading Bot is trading, allowing users to efficiently buy and sell TON token pairs.
  • - The bot’s advanced trading functions and convenient interface enable users to quickly execute trades and take advantage of market opportunities.
  • - The bot utilizes sophisticated algorithms to analyze market trends and execute trades with speed and precision, minimizing latency and improving the overall user experience.

3. Risk Management Tools

  • The Ton Trading Bot includes integrated risk management features, such as stop-loss and take-profit orders, to help protect investments in the volatile cryptocurrency market.

4. User-Friendly Interface

  • The Ton Trading Bot boasts a simple and intuitive user interface, making it accessible for both new and experienced traders.

By leveraging the Ton Trading Bot’s features, users can streamline their trading process, maximize profits, and minimize losses in the TON cryptocurrency market.


The Ton Trading Bot referral system allows users to earn passive income by referring other traders to use the bot. Here are the key points:

  1. Referral Commission Structure:

Referrer: Earns 30% of the trading fees from direct referrals.

Developer: Earns 50% of the trading fees used for feature development.

Next Levels: Earn 5% commissions from each level below, up to a maximum of 50% of trading fees.

2. How to Refer:

. Users can share their referral link to invite others to use the bot.

. Each referral earns the referrer a commission on the trading fees generated by that user.

3. Benefits:

. Extended Earnings: Continue earning commissions from referrals across multiple levels.

. Increased Earning Potential: The more referrals, the higher the potential earnings.

4. Security:

. – The referral system is designed to ensure secure transactions and protect user funds.

By leveraging the Ton Trading Bot referral system, users can earn passive income by referring other traders and participating in the dynamic world of TON trading.


TON Trading Bot:

Official TON Trading Bot twitter:




Crypto degen, hustler, millionaire is the goal, work for my community and try to help whoever needs it, respect everybody who hustles for his dream!