Miana M
1 min readJan 26, 2023


Most couple relationships are not healthy relationships, and the two partners feel alone in that relationship. There is no soul connection between them, no intellectual stimulation, they are just convenient arrangements between two people who stay together to have sex with and for housing/domestic/financial advantages. They don’t feel that relationship feeds them energetically. Those relationships were built on superficial elements, on sexual attraction, and this is a shaky foundation. A healthy couple relationship cannot be built on sexual attraction. Some of you are not in a relationship and complain about feeling lonely and maybe hunting for a partner, but you don’t realize that the loneliest people in the world are those who are in a relationship with the wrong person. As such, I think you can feel blessed that you are not stuck in a relationship where you experience the loneliness of the two, that you are free to search for your Right Man/Right Woman. Don’t rush, don’t get into a relationship with the wrong person, because that is not an achievement.”



Miana M

Hello.. my name is Miana, I am 37 years old, mother of two children, I am a sociable person, I love to write !! Thank you!!🤗🤗🤗