A Classic Horror Game for Adults on the Famicom Disk System.

Mitsuki Nonaka
2 min readOct 18, 2023

#39 Horror Game 100 story challeng

It was July 1983 when Nintendo released it from the Family Computer(FC). In just a few short years thereafter, annual shipments of FC exceeded 10 million units, making it the game console that every child has. The new hardware that extends the performance of the FC is the 「Disk System.」 By connecting this to the NES, it would be possible to play with a larger capacity game software 「ROM」 than the FC, the most common practice was to place this at the bottom of the NES. However, the popularity of this was low, and I didn’t have it, but one of my classmates had it, so I was able to benefit from it. This innovative external hardware continued to decline while FC increased their sales numbers, therefore, the number of software sales was also low. One of the most precious horror games selected among them is 「The Girl Who Stands Behind “ファミコン探偵倶楽部PartII うしろに立つ少女)”.

Image credit: FC mini-game package from Amazon

Title: Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind (ファミコン探偵倶楽部PartII うしろに立つ少女)

Genre: Horror Adventure

Compatible Hardware: Family Computer Disk System

Publisher Release Date: Nintendo.1989

You work as an assistant to private detective Shunsuke Utsugi, You’re assigned to a high school girl murder case. As you investigate, you learn of a strange rumor that has been circulating in the victim’s school…

It’s a two-part story, back-to-back, which was rare at the time of its release. It is a mystery and horror game with the theme of a school ghost story, where two murder cases intersect. The original author, Yoshio Sakamoto, says he paid homage to the movie Suspiria, horror fans will love it! (No wonder the remake has a CERO rating of fifteen)

Image Credit: Cutout of the game image of the remake from the official YouTube

Oh, that’s right. remake of this game was released on the Nintendo Switch in 2021. The game system is command-based, and there is no change in this aspect. (There is a teaser PV on the official YouTube page for you to watch) The graphics and BGM have been updated new scenes have been added, and a memo function has also been added to make it easier to play. Both the FC and Switch versions are fascinating!

See you tomorrow!



Mitsuki Nonaka

Freelance writer/blogger 🖋 loves horror 👻 beloved horror novel, comics and films.