A Little Girl Goes to the City at Night Searching for Her Sister. However, It Turns Out to Be Another World Where Strange Things Abound…

Mitsuki Nonaka
3 min readSep 10, 2023


#21 Horror Game 100 story challenge

Image Credit: Image clipped from the game’s official website

Title: Yomawari Night Alone(夜廻)

Genre: Horror Action

Compatible Hardware: PlayStation vita

Publisher Release Date: Nippon Ichi Software 2015.10

Walking is an essential part of communal living with your dog. The time of day varies depending on the individual’s lifestyle. A morning walk is refreshing, a midday stroll lively. A walk at dusk feels like the end of the day, A walk at night is lonely…

The main character, a little girl, went out to walk her dog Polo at dusk. However, due to her carelessness, Polo goes missing. When she came home, her sister found out and went outside to look for Polo. She then follows her sister into the night…

Image Credit: From the official website, a little girl searching the city.

I’ve never played this game, so I watched promotional videos and such on YouTube. This is my kind of horror game! Looks so interesting! First, the game scenario is very amazing. The atmosphere of the city changes drastically from day to night. There is a deep darkness where the city lights do not reach. This contrast between stillness and motion is often eerie even to adults, so it is no wonder that to a child it seems like a completely different world. A huge dungeon called a city. That’s great!

Now, I like the 2D look-down game system. She searches for her sister and Polo while gathering clues, but this comes with dangers because there are strange things lurking in the city. In this game, you can’t fight the strangeness as in most horror action games, but must “run away” or “hide” from them. It would be easier to understand if you think of the “Clock Tower Series.” *I wrote an introductory article on it, so check it out.

In the scene of the confrontation with the strangeness, the game image pulses in time with the girl’s heartbeat as she approaches. Items can be acquired to avoid encounters with strangeness, but items are not universal because of their compatibility with the strangeness. For example, pomade for a slit-mouthed woman, garlic for a vampire, and so on.

I positive “Yomawari Night Alone(夜廻)” is an excellent depiction of fear as an extension of everyday life. Cute illustrations highlight a weird world, and nostalgic, eerie music adds color to the game. I’ll crave playing this game!

See you tommorow!



Mitsuki Nonaka

Freelance writer/blogger 🖋 loves horror 👻 beloved horror novel, comics and films.