A Masterpiece of Metroid-style Exploration Rpg With a Vampire Theme!

Mitsuki Nonaka
2 min readAug 23, 2023


#12 Horror Game 100 story challenge

Image credit: Taken from Amazon, gamesoft package(PS var)

Title: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Genre: Horror Action RPG(side-scrolling)

Compatible Hardware: PlayStation

Publisher Release Date: KONAMI 1997.3

In 1792, vampire hunter Richter Belmondo and Maria Larned, who had the ability to repel demons, defeated and destroyed Count Dracula. Four years later, in 1796, Maria was looking for Richter, who had disappeared. She was not sure what to expect, because Dracula’s castle, which is said to be resurrected once every 100 years, had made its appearance. At the same time, Alucard awoke from a long sleep. He is a vampire who once worked with humans to defeat Dracula. He went to Castle Dracula to confront Dracula again.

One of the popular action game series, and I love this game, so, I have played it many times and just recently on my smart phone. So what is it about this game that attracts me and the players?

First is the overall atmosphere of the game (for me this is the most important!) It has dark, eerie game stages, music that amplifies the horror, and an interesting historical background where the Industrial Revolution and witch hunts remain. The opening is super cool, especially when Alucard breaks into Dracula’s castle during a thunderstorm!

Next is the side-scrolling action game system(2D is great for action game beginners.) Strengthening a character lies in collecting weapons as well as raising the level of the character. At the beginning of the story, Alucard’s exclusive weapon is taken away from him, but it can be recovered later. You can drop items from enemies or get them from treasure chests, but in the latter half of the game, you can get weapons with cheat performance that can destroy the game balance. (This is what made it possible for me to complete the course, even though I’m not very good at action! However, note that this weapon has overwhelming destructive power, so the game difficulty level drops dramatically! In any case, the action is nothing short of fun. Filling in the map of Dracula’s Castle is fun, and the hidden stage “Upside Down Castle” is a great challenge. It is an overall well-balanced game with plenty of challenging elements. It is a classic game that you should definitely play!

See you tommorow!



Mitsuki Nonaka

Freelance writer/blogger 🖋 loves horror 👻 beloved horror novel, comics and films.