A Rare SFC Sound Novel Horror Game Set in Space.

Mitsuki Nonaka
2 min readSep 26, 2023


#29 Horror Game 100 story challenge

You’re an astronaut and your mission takes you to live in a laboratory on the Moon, and there you’ll be involved in a startling incident…

Image credit: Game package from Amazon

Title: Anubis on the Moon (月面のアヌビス)

Genre: Horror Adventure (Sound Novel)

Compatible Hardware: SFC

Publisher Release Date: Imagineer 1995.12

Anubis on the Moon is a late SFC sound novel game released at a turning point for the hardware. Many of you may feel a unique sense of dread from horror films set in outer space such as “Alien / Director Ridley Scott” and “Life / Director Daniel Espinosa.” The plot of the story is a kind of “Closed Circle,” and I believe that the special and unknown space of outer space stimulates people’s instinctive fear.

Now, unlike other sound novels, this work has a unique feature called a “personality system.” This is where subsequent options change depending on the choices you make, for instance, the more irresponsible choices you make, the more choices associated with them. However, this applies only to the early stages of the story and, unfortunately, is not introduced in all scenarios. Limited but very interesting! So, a total of six scenarios exist, and two of the stories have gloomy and sad endings…

This work is one of the few sound novel games released on SFC that deals with science fiction, a rarity. It’s interesting and different from “Hypericum erectum Thun” and If you read the article and find it at all interesting, I encourage you to play with it.

See you tomorrow!



Mitsuki Nonaka

Freelance writer/blogger 🖋 loves horror 👻 beloved horror novel, comics and films.