A Tv Crew Breaks Into the Mansion of a Famous Painter Who is Now Deceased to Cover the Event. There, They Are Attacked by Strange Phenomena.

Mitsuki Nonaka
2 min readSep 8, 2023


#20 Horror Game 100 story challenge

Image Credit: Taken from Amazon, gamesoft package

Title: Sweet Home

Genre: Horror RPG

Compatible Hardware: Family Computer

Publisher Release Date: CAPCOM 1989.12

Nintendo’s Family Computer was launched in 1983. Since then, until the transition to the next-generation Super Famicom in 1994, a total of 1,054 software titles have been released. FC led the way in home video game consoles, with its 2D 8-bit world projected on a cathode-ray tube. Many gamers were intrigued by this worldview and enjoyed imagining it over and over again. The overwhelming sense of unreality created more realism.

Now, Of the nearly 1,000 films very few were pure horror games as far as I could tell from my research on this occasion. One of them is this “Sweet Home.

The scenario of this game is that a TV crew is trapped in a cursed house and must escape from it, a so called escape game. The interesting aspect of this game is that it is an RPG. The player chooses three of the five players to form a team. Each character has an exclusive item, and there is a limit to the number of items they can possess in the game. Therefore, the character-specific items become personalities, and it’s necessary to solve the riddle by alternating between those personalities. The key to the game strategy is the “power of the mind”. This is used to disarm gimmicks in the mansion and to repel enemies (ghosts). However, what’s troubling is that even though it is an RPG, there are no inns and the only means of recovery are items picked up along the way, so this is a very reluctant setting (this is what makes it realistic, right?). Of course, there is no resurrection system… (as difficult as the masterpiece Wizardry!) It’s numbing! A game like “Corpse Party?” And this game influenced later Baiohazard… It has been made into a movie and a comic book, so if you like it, please check it out!

See you tomorrow!



Mitsuki Nonaka

Freelance writer/blogger 🖋 loves horror 👻 beloved horror novel, comics and films.