All Books Are Connected to Death. A Strange Story That Unfolds in a Library.

Mitsuki Nonaka
2 min readJan 3, 2024


#78 Horror Game 100 story challenge

Image Credit: Cover of the strategy book published by Koei in 1998

Title: Nocturne (夜想曲)

Genre: Mystery Adventure

Compatible Platform: PlayStation

Publisher & Release Date: Marvelous Interactive 1998.7

A great writer said. “Write a full-length novel. Because it’s difficult to leave many works behind.” I don’t remember who it was, but this made me think deeply.

I have heard that Nishio Ishin, the author of the extremely popular light novel series “Bakemonogatari(化物語)” known for his fast writing, finishes a work in two or three months. Hisashi Inoue, who wrote the lyrics to the anime “Hyokkori Hyotanjima(ひょっこりひょうたん島)”admitting to himself and others that he is a slow writer, opened a library called the Late Writing Library in honor of his slow writing. Does this mean that one’s creativity is finite? However, there is a writer who publishes mysteries as numerous as the springs of a hot spring… Yes, “Jiro Akagawa.”

He has probably published well over a hundred works (and this is frighteningly what I remember from my school days…).

I read quite a few of his works under the influence of my mother, most of them mysteries, but some of them are horror stories. “Nocturne(夜想曲)” is based on his novel and is a sound novel game with a mixture of mystery and horror. Let me give you a brief synopsis of the game.

You’re a university student in your fourth year. Just before summer vacation, you’re summoned by your professor and informed. “You haven’t attended enough classes. so, I can’t give you any credits.” At your desperate appeal, the professor reluctantly proposed. It was working as a caretaker at a vacation home.

The appeal of Jiro Akagawa’s works lies in their ease of reading. The length of the story is about a mid-length. However, once I started reading it, I finished reading it in about two or three hours. In my opinion, he is one of the Japanese writers who writes the most write mild sentences. Instead, the stories are edgy and unique. His mysteries are pop and comical, and his horror stories are mysterious……

The setting of this nocturne is the Nonomiya Library in a country town, and all the books in the collection there involve “human death.” And an attic sealed with an iron door. It’s full of elements that will interest horror fans! This is one of those works that you should play.

See you tomorrow!



Mitsuki Nonaka

Freelance writer/blogger 🖋 loves horror 👻 beloved horror novel, comics and films.