Don’t Chase It! The Brother Wanders Into a Suspicious Mansion to Look for His Sister, Who Has Turned Into a Butterfly.

Mitsuki Nonaka
2 min readDec 4, 2023

#63 Horror Game 100 story challenge

Image Credit: Game software package from Amazon

Title: Mansion of Hidden Souls (夢見館の物語)

Genre: Horror Adventure

Compatible Hardware: MEGA-CD

Publisher & Release Date: SYSTEM SACOM 1993.12

The disk system, which expanded the game hardware, wasn’t the exclusive property of the Nintendo Family Computer. Oh, the Mega Drive from Sega had that too…(I’ve never heard of it before. The Game Hardware Warfare Age is a treasure trove!) So the horror game, “Mansion of Hidden Souls (夢見館の物語),” is a hidden gem for those in the know. This work incorporates many moving image parts using the most advanced technology Sega had at the time. Now, let me give you a brief synopsis.

There was an old legend about that forest. “Deep in the forest is an elm tree, where the devil lives.” One night. The young brothers found a glowing butterfly in the forest. The younger sister follows the butterfly deep into the forest. The brother chases after her and finds a mansion standing deep in the forest. The brother enters the mansion as if he were being lured by something…

I believe this is the highest picture quality of any video game console on the market at the time. And not only the picture quality is high, but all the lines have sound. However, because of the effort put into the quality of the work, the game can be completed in about an hour (the game difficulty is not that high). The young siblings were mesmerized like Hansel and Gretel in the Grimm’s fairy tale (they were sucked in like ants in an anthill or an insectivorous plant. Little did they know it was a trap…, So, every beautiful flower has thorns!) The story is sad and fantastic, this could be called a movie. Like a sound novel game, this game is recommended for horror fans who want to enjoy the scenario!

See you tomorrow!



Mitsuki Nonaka

Freelance writer/blogger 🖋 loves horror 👻 beloved horror novel, comics and films.